
Why didnt they freak out when you were there at location all the time.They are afraid brother and thats good.Because they did so much damage to other people with their acting!Great vid!

Fascinating - I cannot deny the numbers

To Kys (Guest)! We are 500 with an account on this site. And I have a hard time to believe that anyone of the members believes that people died in the "massacre" in Sutherland Springs + I included the reward in the end of my Wake-Up-People-video, last 2 minutes and 35:08 in about Sutherland Springs: You can watch it if you want, maybe you learn something.

No doubt about it!

Yes us Brits were totally fooled too because we didn’t know anything about WTC7 until later years. But as everything comes to light years later we learned the BBC are a bunch of lying bastards too . And they have continued this to even greater effect in more recent times. The TV license got trashed to the bin.


Ones got a suit on the others wearing red !!

I know who the terrorists are.

For a long time I have suspect that they recruit crisis actors from mental institutions, but I haven’t been sure – until now!

A woman with balls .

Looks like you’ve blown there cover. Keep up the ace work .

Wow ! She sounds like some possessed zombie ..

Dead Giveaway! This man with white helmet has made crosses to Sutherland Springs. The same man in white helmet also made crosses to this "mass shootings": 1) Aurora, Colorado, 2), Sandy Hook, Connecticut, 3), Pulse Nightclub, Orlando. A heartwarming bullshit story – 3:39 in = Sutherland Springs:

I tell you one thing. These calls are some of the weirdest stuff I have heard lately. Not sure what to make of it. these people are obviously complete idiots.

these threats by telephone are actionable legally speaking in Texas. its against the law to make threats over a telephone like that. I would bring a complaint against them and make them come forward and answer . that would be interesting. you never know. things change when people have to swear about things. then as we all know, we are not like bill clinton and we cannot lie under oath

Are you uploading anything on the fake Vegas psi-op hoax ?

What a lying fucking bitch she is..

Love the Harley sweatshirt.

I believe they crossed the line this time and I will now use their system against them by forcing the balloon hoax sheriff department to get involved . The show is just beginning ...

Funny you say that because at this moment my YT app is being updated with a download.