
These people aren’t too smart making death threats in TEXAS! Of ALL places, TEXAS! Dumb twat!

I love Side Thorn & Conspiracy Granny! Remind me of my own Family!

That’s ridiculous! She would prove it to you in a heartbeat to get that money! They wouldn’t be calling you up and harass you if there were dead people. I love her comment on "he’s a preacher, he won’t lie to you"! Yes, like that potty mouth Christian bitch knows lots of honest, truthful preachers in TX! Oh yes! Like the Holcombe’s were honest preachers too! ROFLAO! I love Side Thorn! You kept your cool to the point it was hilarious, while she was going nutso the more you kept saying it was going to court now! Someone is going to hell! That potty mouth lying treasonous bitch is going to hell! "I used to be just like you" (ROFLAO!) Where did we hear that before? Penny Lozner?

They are used to sell guns primarily! Gun sales spikes,and with that gun permits. Then you have the free shit that the police and community gets. it’s just a ton of reasons. There’s never just one group getting one thing out of it. The FBI gets to justify their budgets when they have more terror and more mass shootings! Go look up the FBI admits they need terror, or their budgets would be cut.

That bitch has issues! She’s pissed off cause they were lying idiots that people like us could see clean thru!?! Oh, but these people are Christian! I meant Satanists! Oopsies! Maybe their child molesting Holcombe friend can help calm her and her family down!

Where is her Texas accent!? I haven’t heard one damn crisis actor that sounds like they are Texans! What’s the odds?

people have a lot to do to go around discussing such nonsense as this. meanwhile aipac is running wild in washington dc and nobody is paying attention and we go fight wars for israel and nobody cares. israel did 911 and nobody seems to care much about that either. but of course on jew controlled youtube , you can discuss bullshit like flat earth. not sure why this site is spammed with flat earth bs. youtube is not doing anything to anyone discussing flat earth crap.

also HEB itself is giving 150,000 to Sutherland Springs because they think one of their employees was killed.

don’t forget all the money that HEB raised for this event .

Greg Abbott is a smiling snake. He talks the talk but in the end he bows the knee to Jewish power like them all. He has already had his head screwed on straight when he took up Adelson’s offer of a all expenses paid junket to Israhole, aboard Adelson’s private jet, to go say a prayer at the jew roman wall and be given the 50 cent tour by the jews who also are in the mood now to try and corner the water market in texas

Exactly ! Pure evil are they all !

Can you imagine how much charity fraud you will get, when the gullible public hears you lost eight family members. Could you imagine actually losing eight family members and the first thing you think to do is start go fraud me pages for them. Eye bet they even have a go fraud me to get a new pair of glasses for the poor little girl who lost her glasses. I sure hope everyone gives a sh!t, and sends it to these people. Or at least be reminded of them when you flush.

RIS - rest in shit you mindfucked actors.

What is the technology that does that.rnHe is the acting President. Trump has very little real power.

Sidethorn - Why are they pulling these false flags? I cannot figure it out. What gives?? Thanks man.

I was thinking and not that they would and not that they see the truth, but you should get some 1st amendment Youtube auditors to be with you on journeys as such. Just a thought and that cop pretty much told us and I wish him Godspeed. Because the scumbags that faked the World just F**Ked with his life forever by him living there.

They just keep exposing themselves over and over. I would gladly take your money to shut you up! But hey, I am not a lying scumbag like that lady, so I cannot collect.

Are you all going to post new videos of this weekend church visit you said you were going to be there this weekend to that lady on the phone.

It almost seems like they utilize sellout crisis actors ( The Government) and then leave and let said crisis actors to fend for themselves. Then said crisis actors monitor the media and see that they could be exposed as frauds that they are and they attack. Keep up the good work.

So please enlighten the ’flat earther’s’ as to what the earth actually is. Most so called flat earthers do not claim any known model. Many are very much looking for what this realm is. Amazingly the trolls crawl out immediately on every video put out. The real pysop is the garbage out there creating straw man arguments claiming to be flat earthers, trying to discredit any legitimate research or investigation or to try to turn anyone new from looking into it.rn