
Awesome! You 2 are true patriots! Fagneski has been hammering PeeKay on YouTube for all of his videos, and I’m hoping it doesn’t deter him from making videos because he’s been such a hero for all of us pissed off at these lying sacks of shit! Obviously PeeKay is a major threat to them, and he should take that as a compliment and make more videos and upload on every platform (even if it has to be it’s own)! I keep telling him to upload here!

FBI and DOJ stop your filthy deception!

The only sure thing about the holocaust is there are as many lies told as victims.

Thanks brother ! I told them today that this government does not scare us and that we will not ever stop .

Total denial is what I got today . They wouldn’t let us film or even go in together yet they had cameras everywhere . You are absolutely correct , they are the guilty ones for putting on this pathetic show and not reigning in the help .

The circus music was very appropriate. Should’ve used the theme from dragnet. The stories you are about to hear are real, real ’stories’. The problem is the FBI is also guilty as any of the crisis actors. Actually they are far more guilty for their role in all of these charity fraud events.

You had me on the edge of my seat! Don’t sign any gag orders side thorn !

CG & ST. If you don’t have seen this before, watch it. And what if one of the most prominent bikers ’killed’, turns out to be an FBI mole?

This includes an interview with Kevin Jordan

Thank you! Hope to improve as time goes on! I may do a 3rd video on this Cop Dragging Hoax. The alleged cop isn’t a cop! He works for a military/police training contractor. The guy driving the car had no arrest record for that incident either, and he was never in jail for that incident. Searched the prison roster up and down, and he wasn’t in jail. His last arrest was a year prior! Probably had a recent charge dropped for his participation in this BS I’m sure!

"....the crisis actors at night, are big and bright, boom, boom, boom, boom, deep in the hearrrrrt of Texas.."

Also I wrote down names on the chairs and the names correspond to where they were sitting during services on youtube more or less so they go that right. However many people allegedly were shot way in the back on the right as you walk into the church. these people were never on camera unless they walked up the isle toward the front in meet and greet times. One name however is a big question mark. tara mcnulty. she allegedly was shot while sitting near where the pastor usually sits. however i have never seen here in any videos. ( i don’t think )

You know, if it had snowed or there was snow on the ground on 12/14/12, they would not have pulled off SH on that day.

Throw in the brain dead right as well. There is no left or right. They only represent the idiots who follow Obama and Trump.

Next trip I am going to check out Johnson’s graves at Floresville and also keith braden grave at catholic cemetary in poth. I asked the lady at the memorial about the johnsons. she acted surprised when I asked about them and she didn’t know where they were sitting. when they got killed. Yeh sure. Her story about the shooting also did not jibe with what we have been told by the FBI. Frankly I think she didn’t believe a word of it.

I appreciate all your work on SH. I have your book on my phone and refer to it often. 👍✌


one more thing. in my opinion. as many people as possible need to go over there and take a look around. i feel that the time is short. i think one day soon they will close the memorial. as the short memory span of the american sheeple moves on to the next hoax.

You folks definitely need to go down hwy 539 and look around where that alleged chase ended up. no sign anywhere that anything happened. nothing no sign was taken out . no car ever turned over and nothing ever happened in the ditch and the blond lady that lives at 2348 hwy 539, you know, the one that does not have her property listed at the county (for some strange reason) was lying when she said kelley stopped in front of her driveway.

Side Thorn: shades of SHES and St Rosa Lima schools. Use students from one school to post as students at a closed SHES.