
The list gets longer every day . Hard to imagine so many traitors in one small place .

As usual you have an exercise where you get all the pictures you need, then another day for the event itself. Just like Sandy Hook – it was a 2-days FEMA drill. People appears to be very relaxed, considering that 26 people have died. It seems like many people participate in this scam.

Thanks for your support mukkaspec , have a great weekend !

No time frame as usual . We are just setting the stage for the future jury who will hear this case . ps : FUCK RATNEKI !

Hint : It is the "nest" !

Next time out we will definitely go by there and film it . We just saw the two street signs marking the location in another video . We were stopped and turned around very aggressively that night when we came upon the roadblock on the highway . I actually thought I was going to have to arrest a pig for assault but as soon as I told him I would make a citizen’s arrest on him for assault if he put his fucking hands on me he backed off quick . I may release the video of the altercation in the future but when I was through with him I actually felt bad for the young guy who had just received a reality check and don’t want to totally embarrass him to his fellow co-workers . That may change as they continue to piss me off .

We have met her claimed to be aunt and uncle on film in a church service . She is the very first cemetery plot on the right in the pictures . They are the ones who told us where everyone in this hoax lives . They thought we were looking to move into the area and spilled the beans big time !

We are putting together videos of these lying scumbags changing their stories multiple times . They can tell it one more time for a jury !

You know it , waiting for the shoe to drop so we can get this before a jury on anything they manufacture . They get us in a courtroom they know they are fucked and we welcome the challenge .

True grit !

If it’s on PBS, the propaganda bullsnot station you can bet its garbage. There were so many things wrong with this pathetic attempt at trying to show the earth is a sphere.

I think they misspelled bollocks. More propaganda to convince the morons that terrorists are everywhere.

This video was really super, I have seen it 2 times (when I walk to my work) and I have download it to. 10 points!

You know it!!

On his way to check his go fraud me account no doubt.

A video about bollards – without bollards. Good for your city.

Who owns interest in the ballards company? Family of a political crook probably.

Opening reminded me of Month Python skit music. How long will it take them to get back to you? Is there a protocol where they have a certain time to do their thing then get back to you? Sutherland Springs and Rezdicki, hopefully you kill two birds with one stone type deal. 👏

Hey it’s amazing all these people supposedly died and you couldn’t find any evidence of bullet holes or damage at the scene... must have been a rehearsal on the day or something....But they certainly do all appear to be in on it in some way shape or form.....The more I watch the more I am starting to wonder if they’re really human at all ??? Everybody you seem to meet in that county whether to lodge complaints or talk too seems to be a clean slate with no obvious personality, history or purpose.... You may be stumbling into something bigger than you realise... and it’s worldwide ..... take care mate !!!

Look how they’re trying to trade on emotions..... This is life actors at work. The problem is there appears to be a lot of them all working together.