
I woke up this morning thinking that whole county is corrupt and that the FBI knew it and that is why they decided to go forward with this church shooting hoax in that area. The FBI probably has the goods on all of the county leadership and they told them. Look we want to do this thing . So go find us a place to do it. and they did. If you decided to move there just be very clear about this. It is old school poor Texas county corruption. Everyone that lives there knows it and lives in it and thinks that it is what life is.

Stay safe you two. We need more folks like you around questioning these productions.

You’re doing great work ST & CG, thing is this whole neighbourhood must have had corruption running through it for years. Like you say, nobody around there seems to work or anything - it’s almost as if these GoFRAUDme stains on humanity were waiting for this to come along.

This could never happen on youtube. This is how they have stopped us. Thank you 153news!

He brought out the old "Living in your mother’s basement" . Pathetic. This is so fucking beyond their little mind control quips. Thank you! The treasonous bastards do it on our dime. That includes the hoaxing shits wearing the FBI jackets, feigning a big search for NOTHING. clergy response team? NRA in conjunction with these pastors? steven willeford , ground zero . I was very curious why willeford was in that tent that day when you folks ran into him . Now I know. he is directing the script. and the pastors are part of the fema fusion center clergy response team

What about the fraudcult pendulums, just because they use a electro magnetic device and come with instructions on how to avoid talking about how they work with the public, doesn’t mean they aren’t real. What about all the animated and CGI pictures from space, those are real pictures too. How do you explain the actornuts playing with balls, water, toys, stuffed animals, musical instruments, food, gorilla suits and the long stiff hair that stands straight up. How could they possibly do all those backflips’ if they weren’t in a harness, I mean space.

And the many millions in annual dues for representation in Washington , truly hilarious . I’m thinking maybe all those millions of gun owning suckers might need to know what they are really doing with all their money ...

What your seeing here is a mirage. Sometimes when conditions are just right contrails will slowly dissipate and form a chemical haze across the sky. Nothing to see here, go back and watch the tell lie vision. It will tell you everything you need to know. another one that lives across from the church. man so many love across from the church.

you have to admit. a very clever and subtle move by the controlled opposition group, the NRA and nobody is even seeing it

so the NRA promotes the concept of good gun owner. the good gun owner keeps his guns in a safe and does what he is told and believes and supports everything his government says and does. the bad gun owner however, as trump indicated in japan is the one who does not believe his government, who questions everything and thinks rationally about things and finally the bad gun owner suffers from mental illness. check , got it so the NRA are dividing gun owners between good gun owners and bad gun owners. and willeford is a good gun owner, of course

thanks for not bleeping out the phone number :D

Right up there with the "Worst Crisis Actor" of all time .

On the list for the next trip now for sure , can’t wait !

Leah Remini also a trans actor, very convincing but her back doesn’t have the correct arch, in fact it looks padded out, as does her thighs.

It is Stephen Willeford with the treasonous NRA who also promotes every single one of these staged drills as real events .

This interview begins to show some of their motivations ...

Thanks mukkaspec !

Great work again !