
Side Thorn: shades of SHES and St Rosa Lima schools. Use students from one school to post as students at a closed SHES.

Bill: I screen capped your Langendorff and Holcombe arrest pics and uploaded them as photos. Good job and you never know when the links might be broken.

Side Thorn, this how media treated me yesterday and my goon encounter on Tuesday.


Awesome! You should do videos too

Why would he know what Quail Run even is then!?! Such a moron! As if this internet shill is out golfing on a closed golf course!

Now why would a guy from Texas call the fbi on another guy from Texas about a state and local matter. I’m thinking loose lips just sank a ship. Their promoters are the fbi? A very corrupt club that’s always been.

One big happy family out there for sure .

They sound "sellout" .

Well I’m just shocked ! Not .

Excellent ! More eyes on that cesspool of criminals the better !

Yes , arrested by the people !

Thanks so much niven , they never stop with the show do they ?! lol

Excellent journalism Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny. Helping us see through this shitshow of deception. And for exposing codename Kevin Jordan as a piece of shit demon, part time Wal-Mart employee, ex internet troll, and full time pathological liar involved in some sort of counter intelligence effort to suppress the truth of the Sutherland springs hoax. Good guys win again.

Hey Kevin Jordan, there is a storm coming. Real soon. And anyone who is operating with the intent to deceive others is going to be blown to hell. God specifically says that the one thing that will be Judged is deception. You are a demon possessed person, once you deceive you allow Satan to possess you and control you . Soon there will be no more secrets , it will all be in the open , and the wrath of judgement will be upon you. It kind of already is, we know you are trying to deceive us, when more people know it’s going to get worst for you and you are all going to be arrested for being traitors and you will all be severely judged. We are ridding the world of you.

I love how fast the news cameras made it to podunkville Kentucky to capture the kids fleeing! Give me a break! The FBI and ATF were there before 10:00 too! Ridiculous

Yep! That dead boy pic at end is the girl talking at the end! Also, the dead girl looks to be 19, not 15!

Damn right about Rudkowski. We think they used a younger pic of Luke as someone who died on 9/11.

Mark Dice is scum. So is Alex (or Bill).

Good job.