

They also refer to faked mass shootings. Its seems to be a form of mockery. Great vid thank you for your work!

Cock Bobbler / Nom Nom Nobbler

All these crisis actors with their crocodile tears. I’m so sad for these people.......I just can’t form tears with my deceiving reptile eyes.

The black lady is trying sooo hard to hold back that smile while shes lying to the interviewer. Also the name Johnson = 33 in numerology. That whole interview was scripted and encoded albeit a short one. Just think of the jew butt plugger company Johnson & Johnson. You know they make your baby’s tear free shampoo and some super shitty band-aids. Johnson & Johnson ..... in your minds eye view that as 33 33 just like a freemason sovereign commander wears around his neck inside a triangle. I am sickened by these soulless sodomites.

Obama is another demon and they all serve Satan .

No doubt about it !

I am beginning to think the ultimate deceiver is at work here and when known lying demons all say the same thing I am thinking we may have all been caught up in the ultimate deception .

We are starting to think they are demons , only real demons could keep their mouth shut and nobody ever come forward .

Exactly! Go watch any video from a former cult witch! Unless you walk with Jesus, and filled with the Holy Spirit, their demons will attack. I know cause I tried to stop someone doing Spirit Box sessions! Satan didn’t like that too well, and God gave me a dream months before I knew what was going on. Long story but I should do a video on it sometime cause I have it all documented electronically too!

"Jesus is Coming" as her response!?! I bet she’s a Satanist too! All of these hoaxes have Satanists in them from Columbine Shooting to Sutherland Springs and even the Dupont Amtrak hoax that I have a huge video on them that I plan to expose soon, it’s sick! Where do they find that many satanists!?! Unless they are already one!

"I’m surprised nothing falls off!" The female anchor says........ they just had to say that shit out loud to mock the sleeping sheeple.

The pizzas in the video are not physical objects. Just layered CGI. They have augmented reality contact lenses in. rn They can see the digital objects and interact with them just like the shitty VR we’re allowed to buy now.

Cressida literally rolls off the tongue as caressi da dick ..... how is it that people do not catch on to these things ....sheesh

She is an order follower. She probably know that what she is doing is wrong. But she knows that if she spilling the beans she loose here job. She knows that you have right – this false flag drills is fear porn. People must be scared so they can put in more surveillance cameras, more robocops, more x-ray. And the goal is to disarming the whole America. She’s not working for the people, she’s working for the NWO. And even if she mention Jesus – it don’t justify this, and it ain’t gonna save her soul.

@Mr Murdoch yessss. The funds is the only thing in this event that is REAL. FBI and DHS pay the people that participate in the drill this way. That’s why you see on News Broadcast that they mentioned this funds. They help the crisis actors to advertise their funds. In other accidents (The real ones) – you never see TV-advertising for private funds. But most of the money that comes in to these crisis actors funds is money from DHS, FBI or other Government authorities = Tax money. But some private persons that believes that is really donate too.

Great vid again!No comment my ass she knows that she is 1 of them!!!!

This is not related to the video. No chemtrails but the sun is white. It’s supposed to be yellow. Yes good video they all are. Cheers

Exactly !

Thunderbirds R go. So they managed to attach a camera to the side of the rocket that survived the flight, yet they couldn’t put a camera near the landing pad. You would think there would be several to record the landing. If something had gone wrong they would have provided some insight to any problems occurring. Rockets that land what a load of trash.