
All I needed to hear was about 7 hours ago. Another criminal fraud false evidence report being reported as real.

If only these people would have attended the whorlando pulse course, how to deflect a bullet with your hand. Many lies could have been saved. The instructor is none other than A. Colon, it’s true that a lot of sh!t comes from a colon, but it’s a very good class.

./puke --fresh-bucket

Will you do what Side Thorn and I do in your area? Actually a question for anyone posring.

Maybe – autonomous vehicle, smart cities, smart grid,

"absolutely not’ these bastards are so arrogant. We need people like side thorn doing this throughout the country. We need to start seeing some real evidence here. We sure as hell didn’t get it with sutherland springs.

Rewards to a city might be non-cash, like, oh, a school, a SWAT tank for the police department, a big promotion for local officials/officers. However, I would think blackmail is used as in DHS says we are holding a staged event in your state (talking to governor). If you don’t go along we will make public those pictures of you with farm animals (or strippers) in very compromising positions.

Great work, Side Thorn and CG, thanks for this. ’Anytime the State Police put up a perimeter it’s a hoax.’ ~ Side Thorn

Great, wonderful observations. .Thanks for this.

Reporter: " no outward indication.." Just say I don’t F’n know at this time. At least LL Bean got free advertising on reporter’s jacket.

Spot on ! They are doing this shit worldwide and we must ask the question "why" ? Something very big is on the horizon , they can’t continue this crap forever ...

You got it , they had the opportunity to shut me up once and for all with proof and once again they declined .

Hoax !

Thanks ! We find it extremely hard to find a real one !

Domestic disturbance . A real event for once ...

Thanks so much and that is exactly the way we feel !

Dont matter if that one was real or not, the fact that they know you two are on their case is more important than anything lol they dont know when you are going to show up........stay safe and keep exposing these scum

I live in Nottingham in the UK and the scum police keep cordoning off areas of the city saying there as been a serious incident or a POLICE incident? its on the local news the same day but no real details then its forgotten about the next day, a lot of times we have a serious incident in one part of the city and a police incident in another part at the same time lol I know the 5G incident drills are taking place all over the world and im sure the ones here are done for this reason. all they do is cause traffic chaos. Keep up the fantastic work side thorn!!

I say it again my friend you and CG have got balls!!!And thats a hoax by the way!

– Is this one real or another drill? – I would not go up from the bed if it was a drill, trust me. / Not a convincing answer. Why should we trust him? I don’t want to rely on what people say, I want to see proof.