
Great video. Cheers

those idiots would do well just to shut up and ignore. but nope. just can’t do it.

Trespass warning for what? Were there any signs posted? Weren’t all these places public? Some kind of curfew violation? The only thing that seems criminal is a warning was issued without cause.

R u saying that’s the cemetery address? ROFLAO

Who Where The Warnings Sent To

Wow Is Texas A False Flag Camping Ground.A Little Creepy That They Know Who You Are It could be a good thing or Bad.

Exploit it? Fuq they created it! That ludicrous fake story should wake up all homeschool parents across the country and demand to see the evidence of such ridiculous shit took place! Sooner rather than later like Sandy Hoax

Now we need about a dozen more of u in Texas! When I retire I’m gonna move there to make their life hell too

You bet !

I get more pissed off every time I replay the end and see the FN reaction! What cocksucking slime Balls! They know and they don’t give a shit! They scrape the bottom of the barrel to find these guys! Have you ever stopped by the jail and ask to see the guy arrested? I bet anything he’s not there! I bet they can’t even show you security footage of him in his cell or the current jail log!

Lockhart again? Man Texas is full of corrupt MF’s!

Right on ! These demons have been running unchecked for way too long , total arrogance and zero respect for the people !

Thanks 2face have a great weekend !

Exactly , must be under contract with FEMA for prison wear !

Pity someone here in the UK didn’t have your balls with all the hoax terror events we’ve had. rnThey are going to truly drop a clanger when you turn up one day and expose it . They must dread the thought of you turning up. Keep handing out those leaflets , it’ll catch on..

staged mass casualty simulation case closed

Ah, yes, Angel Colon. Mr. Shot 6 times at Orlando. Loved when reporter asked 6 docs at ORMC who operated on Angel. They just looked at each other. 💰 🙈🙉🙊🎥

I will watch vid tonite. Not sure if you mentioned this in video: Here is Bruce Paddock Here is dead Steven Paddock. Same person, my discovery.

’I Know Who You Guys Are’. That’s the best ratings you can get.

It’s amazing!!! I have a bunch of ex military friends that have been to Iraq and Afghanistan. They think wholeheartedly that these bullet wounds are real. I didn’t say that they are smart friends just friends. It’s amazing how dumb shit and gulible our society is. While the world was in shock my stomach was hurting from laughing so hard of the sloppiness and ridiculousness of this whole staged shit show.