
True Dat! I never catch the numbers, so you’re probably right. Obviously, this is staged. I have a big bomb to expose on Dupont but I’m saving that goody for the end. The info was wiped clean from the internet and all archives and search engines after I leaked it to a a couple reporters and 2 Tehama Mass Transit workers! I knew then my dirt was right! They just didn’t know I screen capture EVERYTHING!

After today’s event, it will take me a few more days to get Part 3 out! Fox news gave me tons of good stuff pointing out that today’s Amtrak Crash was staged. So, I have lots of collection work to do before I lose it. Please be patient because I have some major exposing coming up in the next videos!

In case you missed it, Part 1 can be seen here:

Could it be more in your face. 7 dead, 7 cars, 12 wounded. 12reversed 21, 7,7,7 hoax code. Someone lost a shoe, it was chaos. If only they’d load all these rats on a train for real and run in off a cliff.

But almost all go the the Governors Arts academy

Most are related too so it does get hard to tell

They might not always be the same because they have amazing costumes but I know they are the same many times over

Love your work. Thank god for these pieces of shits to keep me entertained.

Serious? All those stories are fake but that’s not the same guy! I know cause I’ve done the research and even dug up his yearbook pics! Sorry your incorrect

I like that . Good work !

This clown is trying to say Vegas was a real shooting. If by shooting he means with a camera then it was real. But my buddy was getting shots at the bar, there were shooters everywhere and people were drinking them too. If jootube were actually interested in stopping deceptive videos, not a single mainstream media outlet would be allowed on there.

"Shills’ brains are fucked." -Jerry. Poor MKd bastards.

Awesome , so glad to see you here , welcome to a "No Reszneki" zone !

Death from above .

False rubber foot = false flag event.....this one vision blows the whole given story..... anybody believe this crap? this lying sack of dog poop gets a all expense paid trip to washington dc to listen to Trump’s bullshit speech? Un freakin believable

Good work Smoken, keep picking away...

So this flat earth theory has come about because if space was real and the earth was a globe, then the story about "God" would not make sense. I think I’m starting to understand the reason behind the theory, now.

Demons all look the same to me...