
Have you all found David Colbath Who was shot in the back bounced off of his rib behind his heart logged in into his side still.Is he still in Sutherlnd springs

I don’t think anyone was at that church the day of the shooting. No one. And this guy Kelley. He exist but he is now gone somewhere , who knows. he was part of it and now has moved onto something else. I think River Oaks church was used as a place where the many emergency vehicles gathered that morning and waited until they got the call for the start of the hoax. Also DPS, homeland security and FBI were there as well

Hitler was allied with italy..and who controls italy?The vatican...and who are major players in the nwo and good buddies with israel?..The vatican.

I’m trying to get the bigger picture here. Sometimes I’m not so sure I want to know. Looks like they were surveilling by the flyover. This shit is getting beyond ridiculous.

Twice a year or so we get helicopter flyovers of 10-15 army copters (similar type copter in your vid) in formation flying low and slow. They fly from Cleveland to Buffalo along lake shoreline. Looks impressive, but what are they up to sometimes?

Above our remote animal sanctuary/studio outside Austin .

Sutherland Springs? Or closer to home?

If you drop this on YT it will get deleted! Share where you can. Peace

In the latest video they put up we see (what I believe is) Kris Workman in a wheelchair.

Aha, the same tricks as in Sandy Hook – using old pictures. What’s Michelle’s surname?

I agree. So convenient – the only time he’s not at home – a massacre happens.

Can you do a video on the Williams Brothers

"Marge, this may be hard to believe, but I’m trapped inside two vending machines...". Yes, the Simpsons is full of predicting programming.

Vending machines are sucking kids up clearly.

I’m actually watching from inside a vending machine Bahahahaha ;)

Ridiculous placement of those last, eight "graves" shown in this vid. As a longtime visitor of graves here in The South, it screams fake. We have room to walk around the grave, and as a child, I was taught very early to stay off the area where lays the body. You couldn’t get around these "graves" in a respectable manner.

Great dialogue! The disco music is a crackup. About Panteragirl, (who threatened me, too), I think she became caught up in the reverie, and did it for free. Michele, though, seems to be a cutout, agent. The photos of simulated victim Joann Ward look a lot like a younger Michele. Michael Reszneki trolled me, too.

Let’s start by seeing who’s under her tombstone and go from there.

We aren’t done with these demons. Stay tuned....

Nice, to see you back ’AML’. Met, Little Richard, as it happens. Big, new media meetings in place. Haven’t, forgotten. Will, share as usual.