
Doing a similar search I just found this on "31 Jan 2010 - Football coach Aaron Feis threw himself in front of students as bullets hailed down... " It says 31st January 2010 but links to an undated item that currently displays ’7 hours ago’. What’s going on?

The neverlosetruth channel on u tube has a video where NASA says they are spraying Lithium on us and she has links.

Nothing surprise me.

Faggots . Nice laugh by both of them at the end.

They are needing a new school I heard.

That’s too funny!

Hi guys! It’s the same video, but I have accidentally done a new installation on my computer and the quality on the video was not what it used to be, so I tried to save the video in a different way. And this one is better. So poor quality on the other one, that’s the reason why I upload a new one with the same title.

I think they’re playing some crazy inhouse anagram game

Great catch !

Will you look at that smirk trying to show itself at 5:01, just look at it!

Right, SH 2.0 You think they would use more common last names to confuse people looking up records like yourself. Say John Davis. Something that would show a lot of results in a search. Good video. I enjoyed your other similar type vids in the past. 😀

It’s ridiculous! Nobody seen running out looked like they were in fear of anything, or wanting to hop fences!

Thanks, but Filmora is the only way I could create these. It’s pretty simple for someone that doesn’t know how to edit videos!

yep! He looks like a satanist to me, on top of sounding gay. I don’t have a problem with him being gay, but when he comes on national news and starts pushing BS then it makes all gay men look like lying traitors.

Amen brother! They use jews, LGBT’s, and Satanists in ALL of these Fake events! You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting one of those 3 when they roll these out!

exactly! He’s more like an Arts & Music teacher, then History! This guy isn’t a teacher!

Great commentary! I love how one kid comes out carrying a guitar case!

All his weird head and mouth movements are telling as well. He mimics sucking his boyfriends’ johnsons.

I love your skills in making this video. I wish I could make some myself but am intellectually inferior in this regards.

Excessive blinking is also a sign of bright light sensitivity because devil worshipers always wear sunglasses during the day because "the Light" offends them. They are more at rest working in the dark, where they think our Heavenly Father can not see them.