
You are awesome!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!

You are genius! Thank you for ALL that you do! I’m in this for the kids! I can’t keep walking around awake, and letting them steal our kid’s future! We must wake up everyone! We will keep doing it if the internet isn’t available, I’ll be handing out flyers and pasting shit everywhere! We will NOT be silenced any longer! If they want to keep coming, I will be the most vocal bitch on the streets! They don’t want us protesting!

I’m glad they did that interview! We need them on this site!

In these days of high def, the "news" gives us grainy-ass vids-

Is it kosher for (((him))) to be named Hogg?

Dad’s FBI, mom an exec for CNN-

Fearless One AnonDK?

Right on. I just discovered that you tube is " ghosting my comment’s" the world is waking in mass and war is on the horizon. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. I pray protection over you from the most high Alahim Yahuah through Yahusha HaMashiach.

Interesting how they say that. Also David Hogg’s father is fbi and Carly Novell’s grandfather was in the first Massive Shooting "Walk of Death" ’hiding in a closet’.

Thank you so much for creating the site sir! I felt pretty lost after they started taking down YT channels last year, no one to really talk to about this stuff, and Vegas was a big hit to me, as one of the fake victims was "from" my city here in Brandon, MB Canada. They even had a big memorial for her in town! Hopefully the Three Musketeers of Truth will join the site now!

THIS VIDEOS BEEN DOCTORED! At :204 no Freemason sign, at : 206 sign is up, weird 🤡

good catch .... There was also a brief shot of a black girl who looked dead with a pool of blood around her. Was it reported that a black girl had been killed in this phoney fake show?

Dummies have made guest appearances before -- Las Vegas wheelie bin!!!


MANNICAN = 33 (full reduction)

Do those words just fall out of your mouth like hot garbage?

Also, you have the owner of Let’s Roll Forum registered now. One of the most knowledgeable on 9/11.

You made a great point about the average income and home price in that area. I’ve thought for some time this whole thing is a case of the rich vs the poor. I wonder how many of us who know about the hoaxes and AREN’T involved are well off or wealthy. I doubt there are any low income people involved in the hoaxes.

So guys, one cannot like smb’s comment on here like on youtube?

So guys, we cannot like smb’s comment on here?...