
Seriously though, a lot still believe in Governments on here. Many are still thinking false flag rather than total hoax. Shills here aren’t as bad as the hounds on YouTube.

Awesome video !

Come on NC, that’s a bit harsh on YE MAN!!! lol!!!!

This kind of thing is inevitable when you rely on a fake, hoax-ratified Freemasonic constitution for your freedoms. The Constitution doesn’t exist and never has. It has zero force of law. Real rights come from our Creator not a dead piece of paper and it’s about time that we all learned that.

Mentally and Physically Inert* Crisis VicSim

Probably all made up. Cheers for watching.

The Kingdom of Moronica.

Thanks cheers!

NASA does buy an awful lot of helium supposedly.

Cheers. I think there’s been a lot more of them up there.

Excellent !

Looks like a setup to me , they love to joke assholes

Here here well said

Yes! He witnessed this "EVENT"...not this tragedy..not this shooting....

and this is the kind of people that want to take your guns. What a lame excuse of a human being!

she gives me the creeps so she would probably be right up israel’s alley

WOW! You think the smart devices in peoples house ignite the damage? No tress burnt around the weird!

They just dropped a Hail Bomb in Norther Cali!

there are some proper nobs on here... haha! to be expected, either that or just folks that don’t get it and are hell-bent on being angry about it!!!

Welcome and thank you for everything you do !!