
Nice Video Flat Earther Here

I just picked up a GoPro since I lost my little red camera in Newport Beach. Let’s go do some snoopin’

So how we plan on having things is grabbing every video thats current and making sure its featured. So everything on the top should be related to current events. As we grow and hopefully find some patriot angel investors we will be looking to put servers worldwide and start building a fun little land here. When that day comes we will build out every aspect of the site and make it really cool. For now we are cookie cutter and kind of WYSIWYG for now.

I purged my own Youtube channel of all content 10 hours before they terminated me. Of course, they decided to do so months ago. I’m proud to say that my content did not fit into their business model, as advertisers do not want to be associated with controversial issues. This is the same content that the 0.00001% fear most. ..because it exposes and neutralizes the most powerful weapon they use...and have been using worldwide for thousands of years to control the 99.9999%.....Fear. Gonzo porn levels of baseless fear along with the creation and maintenance of the illusion that we have a representative opposed to this reality. What we have is a Kleptocratic Oligarchy of International Organized Crime

Those three pics of supposed Meadow don’t match. However, the video author missed out on Meadow and Alexa Miednik pictured together in link I posted.


Is there a way to make some sort of a list of the most prominent fake events and put it on the left where there’s this blank space? So that nubies could see the list with the most recent bullshit event on top, click on the name and see all the videos about it.

Jews trolling jews, nothing new here.

Line up all you fine ladies. PEEKAY is the catch of the day! Sending Side Thorn your way to go bar hopping with our $100,000 reward fliers.

shit-hot mate

33 comments, bad ju-ju

The average American is the dumbest human being on Earth.

Thank you for your dedication.

Thanks for the kind words, will be uploading more on here very soon.

Superb !

How about Alexa Miednik and Meadow Pollack together in PA. FB ’13

Sick times indeed .

Hi. Good work on SH. Can you upload the debate between A&E vs. Yankee451 regarding WTC? Thanks in advance.

I totally agree... Thank you.

I had to break it off... Bawhahahaha