
Did y’all see the photo of the pile of backpacks in the middle of the street?

Excellent! Thank you!!

Yea, right? I will be sure to add Uber to my list of parkland sponsors.

This is the same guy who was merciless on Matilda and AML. Go troll cnn or something.

Nice to meet ya!

Oh no what are the poor trolls going to do with YouTube kicking everyone off they can’t troll people anymore. Trolls without people to troll they are freaking out.

nice video. Man they just cant make anything look normal. Whatever that guy was heavy and awkward.

Using google Earth to plot a line segment beginning from the SE base corner of the "event" building, the line segment beginning where the SE building corner meets the ground, the line, (shadow path), falling across the sidewalk moving from SW towards the NE, falling across the sidewalk approximately where we see it in the video clip the time of day on February 14, 2018 would have been 3:45 PM EST. PLUS or MINUS 5 minutes.

Thank you! I’m glad I found you here!

Welcome Home!

I’ll make you a deal. Find every single piece of aerial video you can of the event, put in in your account, put the keywords - helicopter florida shadow analysis - in the video when you upload it here and if I can find it when I search, I’ll time and date stamp it with shadow direction analysis for time of day stamp. See my work at:

Wonders never cease.

The right to keep and bear arms was meant to protect us from what has come this way. A lying, fraudulent, overbearing, tyrannical gov’t. If the average person can’t keep a weapon that is at least similar to the weapons possessed by our corrupt criminal gov’t agents, then we stand no chance.

We’ve got to find a way to bring "NowTheTruthTV" user from Y2Be and LLeak over here.

So this kid gets an uber ride. Carrying or wearing full body armor, face mask, tactical gear and assault rifle with at least hundreds of rounds of ammo. The uber driver says where to. Nothing to see here, move along.

Be your own Detective Dog!

Also a coincidence? Shooting raises questions about school safety in metro Atlanta. Posted: 12:00 a.m. Saturday, February 17, 2018. The morning after 17 people were shot and killed inside a Florida high school, Frances Greene was driving her grandson to school when she said he asked a question. ’Will it happen at my school, Nana?,’ the boy, a seventh-grader at Gwinnett County’s Moore Middle School, wondered.

What a coincidence that they a couple of days before had on debate on TV about arming the school teachers – and now this happens. Buy MSM don’t have to worry that people notice that. The gullible masses are coincidence theorists and conspiracy denial.

One day Youtube only gonna have videos with cats in front of a mirror – everything else been flagged. Nice to see that you have escaped from Youtube / Google Gestapo. So welcome guys from The Artamus Cameron Experience to 153 News!

Thank you Dr Fetzer for your continued great work.