
Brilliant compilation -- thanks!

hell yes. finally JIM is here!

Does D Marble hang out with Jeranism, Steere, Sargent? Or is he calling out those frauds for what they are? Yes, it’s a litmus test--- anybody who doesn’t call out the Toxic Twins, Globebusters, FECore, for the liars they (including Shillfest 2017, and any future shillfests they are instrumental in organizing and/or participating in), are part of the controlled opposition problem facing flat earth knowledge today.

I like your vids. Thanks.

I have been to Belfast a number times. God how the twats have fucked around with you guys!

You can see the wall in front of tower. Pancake flat, good one!

Cheers! Struggle to understand why people can’t see the 7 code.

Cheers! Agree. Recent photos tawny give the game away. I think the MTFs degrade more quickly!

Cheers! Chinese AstroNots look like they are sat on the loo! Love the salutes!

Good to see a familiar name! Cheers!! 153news is a little coded. Hoping it is a coincidence!

Our friend the crapping bull! You’re hilarious. Great vid!

Just like they are going to do in fakgas I mean Vegas . Here comes new stadium for new las Vegas Raiders .

Davina is an ftm and Brawny Kitaen is a mtf

Hilarious!! Thanks.

It seems to me that a lot of disinformation is thrown into these obvious fake shootings to deceive. I cannot believe that anyone could believe this stuff is real! One woman (a teacher) stated he was in full metal armor with his face covered. Another "teacher" stated he had his face covered. Where is the armor? How could he be identified? These are their lying words not mine. Then they show the Make America Great Again hat...again a covered face? None of it is real. No one died at that high school. At this point NOTHING is true until one of the "mainstream" circuses can prove it to be true. rn

No doubt. We are as cookie cutter as you can get. The key is functioning as is and the bells and whistles will come. Glad you guys are here!

see how long this platform

Flag at half-mast for Mr. Fluffers memorial

Terrible acting, lol!! Great vid, thanks MB!!

She was doing an assignment for her holocaust class???? Lol!!