
thank you! This is how I feel about the 2 biggest champions of the United States, and our kids! I’m not exposing the fake media for myself. This is for my kids and everyone else’s kids! We have allowed them to lie and push fear for decades without knowing it, and now that we know, we can’t allow it to continue for their sake! I feel like I’m obligated to fix this jacked up mess!

Thank you! Please keep me posted, and all of us, and court dates and other critical things going on. I’m hoping they will come up after my kids get out of school, cause I want to be there and finally meet you guys to give you big hugs and stop by that crooked damn town with my own bullhorn and tell them we will be crawling out of the woodwork to tell the truth if they keep up harassing you guys!

I’m guessing she’s linking to Michael Fagneski, but who knows. Either way, people that lost loved ones just wouldn’t be doing this shit, let alone going on Fake News for interviews! It’s all bullshit, either way. I’d love to see all of the dash cam footage from these crooked cops and TX Rangers!

That’s her in the video, the ugly mexican lady to the left of smiling dude. The focus on this video was showing my support of ST & CG, and less on the liars behind it and their lies.

I dont buy him lawyering up twice and getting his channel back. Once would be a miracle, twice. At this point you have to see he is controlled opposition. Its sad, never thought it would be but it is.

What a great term there " Kleptocratic Oligarchy of International Organized Crime " . That sums it up pretty good .

I WILL be buying a Paypal card in the very near future to donate what I can . I really don’t have much money but to me it’s well worth it , especially right now to get going strong .

I like how the crazy lady got mad at you, and asked why she owed you any evidence of the shooting, yet the rights of the entire nation are on the table because of shit like this. Our freedom is on the table for the picking because of these hoaxes, so yes these people owe us some answers, because if people’s freedom is at stake, ain’t nothing sacred.

Lol hell ya

yeah I’m beginning to believe there is a spiritual component to the aging process. She is only about thirty.

Unreal...all we can do is watch them sham our people while youtube stands in arms with the elite. We got duped!

Would have been priceless:)rn

There was a woman on CNN who claimed to be at the church during the shooting and said the shooter was on the roof shooting down on the people. Then in another interview, she changed her story completely. We know they lie, lie, lie! And we know ST and CG are on the side of truth. “It’s [much] easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”

I hear that. My girl and I had a weird psychic-like conversation about Hawking last night, before we heard the news. Trying to figure out how a man can persist in that state for such a time and how exactly he could get his thoughts onto that same voicebox for decades. And who can forget when Carl Sagan couldnt contain the giggles around hawking during a Bbc visit.... He left us with more questions than answers. One answer I have is he was an actor for the star wars psyop, like sagan, who distract us with fantasy and theory.

That psycho bitch that death threatened Sidethorn is the one that deserves to be in handcuffs, booked and locked up. Why don’t they do anything to her? If I made a death threat towards someone they would arrest and charge me...WTF? Why don’t they release the video of the shooting and put all this to rest? Thank you Sidethorn and Granny for standing up for truth! Something is definitely fishy in Sutherland Springs.....

I know that was about RFB but the last bit was interesting. The place I hunt here in Maryland which is public land owned by the state, it has the transatlantic cables going through it as well. Almost looks like a place where an underground gas line would run. What’s interesting though is it’s along the Potomac river directly across from one of Trumps golf courses. Not that it means anything just thought it was an interesting parallel.

Kids on the football field should have spelled out... H O A X

Don’t let people scare you from telling the truth, and don’t let people misguide you with the odds against you. History is full of the odds in the enemies favor, it is love, determination, and faith that determines who wins in any given scenario. We are more powerful than we think in our numbers, and it’s high time to call the liars out where it’s needed, peace guys.

I was onto his channel for a month or two and unsubbed from him because even though he makes some good points it’s almost like he tries to discourage people. I commented on his video before he was "Taken Down" to call him out cause he was saying that nothing was about gun control, but rather the government seeking the ability to disappear people who they disagree with. While I agree with that point, there is most definitely a Anti-Gun Agenda with these shootings, and for him to tell everyone it don’t matter what gun you have you can do nothing cause of the technology is disheartening. Number one he fails to mention how cowardly the Elites minions are, they are two and few compared with the numbers of armed citizens out there. Number two the entire US military with the most advanced weapons, and tech lost Vietnam to guys in sandals with old weapons and little baggies of rice. The idea that tech wins a war is misguided, it’s the willpower of the people fighting who determine the outcome, and I can’t support people who basically tell people there’s nothing you can do.

Well said, people need to look up the significance of a shoe. Yes it sounds stupid but look it up and you will understand why they put a shoe or Someone missing a shoe in every one of their fake events.