
In 10 years if this keep up, that WILL be the way kinder children are raised. I give 2 shts about myself in this but as sad as I hate this saying, it "REALLY is for the children", that this stops.

Thank you.

Indeed, its the breeding.

Check update to video in description. Just musing a bit maybe.. IDK! Peace

As always you have people twittering in hiding that there is a shooter near by rather than running for there lives.

boob tube.

YouTube shooting: Three shot at California HQ, female suspect dead........

I don’t want to make anyone angry with this comment and I might have done the same thing myself, but if "we" are trying to get people to the truth I think we have to do everything possible to remain calm and speak only of the facts. That being said, this looks like just what Vice was hoping for - anger and "a show" for the viewers. Had they been serious, they would have looked at the video evidence that SideThorn talked about on the phone interview. Had they been serious they of Vice would have gone in to look for bullet holes. I’m also getting sick to death of people like Lenny and CW Wade always being in the shadows. Haven’t we of this community been threatened too? Well, I don’t see any of us hiding!! I didn’t like the Vice interview with Tony Mead either. Obviously, I wasn’t there while this one or the other one were filmed, but if they of Vice weren’t baiting anyone (and maybe they were) I think we need to try to get our point across, especially with people who are already against us, in a calmer way. I’m on OUR SIDE so excuse me for telling my truth, but that’s how I feel.

This is what happened here:

I feel the same about all this. This was all going as planned. They used Side Thorn. Hoaxers are going to be the new terrorists according to the powers that be.

I have d/l this video to remind myself why it is, that I made Side Thorn my knob slobbing bitch.

you could set up a gofraudme

I found this video odd. It was like watching a show on A&E.

I love videos with a happy ending!. What a despicable piece of shit Side Thorn is. There is all the proof you need that the man is a legitimate nutbag. It does my heart good to know he’s racked up another criminal charge.

i found this intresting

This appears to be the stage being set to go after anyone claiming these criminal acts of fraud are hoaxes. This show is so typical investigative( lol) news. The so called expert, who’s identity must be kept secret( from these dangerous hoaxers). The master debunker(of course you can’t question him, but why would you he’s an ’expert’lol). My question is has someone been duped into playing a role in this. Or are they playing a role in this. I can’t believe vice didn’t include the picture of Pomeroy licking the young girls face out in the woods. Unless of course there was no investigative journalism and this was another one sided agenda based side show.

although its clearly a hit piece its really not convincing and just comes across as blatantly one sided against anyone who doubts or questions the official narrative.

I’m gonna send a message to Side Thorne because I don’t think he’s ready for this.

SNAFUBAR, all the kids in Laurens class look like middle school aged in that video clip. The middle school is right next to the high school. This is all I can think of at the moment. That video says "High School class of 2016" but the entire teachers union of all Broward county is involved. Maybe they took the camera crew to the middle school? I dunno. That classroom doesn’t look like a high school classroom in my opinion. All I know is that the Florida Trip 2013 video shows them at a Marlins game in the new stadium. The Marlins stadium was built in 2012. You found a picture of David and his sister wearing Disney (Anaheim) 50th anniversary garb. That year was 2005 and the celebration was for 18 months. So that pic could be from May 2005 through October 2006. Hogg looks like a 6 year old in that pic...maybe even a 5 year old. So I’m suggesting that the title of the 2016 High School video is misleading just like everything else in this psyop. You have to admit that the stadium being built in 2012 makes it hard for Hogg to not be 13 years old in the Florida Visit 2013 video. Am I right? I think we have to let this whole "how old is David and Lauren" thing go. The evidence shows that David is 17 going on 18. I really think we should just accept that and move on because I see no way to prove his age to be older. I am looking into more Sandy Hook/Newtown/Connecticut/Florida connections. But even if we prove all of this stuff we are, for the most part, preaching to the choir. I always thought Newtown was a CIA "company town". I’m thinking the same about Parkland now. Another company town full of agents living on our dime covertly working on the masses. You know I always give you a thumbs up before I watch your videos because you are...THE BOMB!

You ignorant idiots he along with his daughter were seriously injured and you make insensitive stupid comments. If you want to do some research may I suggest you talk to him directly he isn’t hard to find.