
Side Thorn went too easy on that filthy pastor. Yeah right the shooter was on the roof. Put in a good word for me Henry .. I’ve applied for a channel .. DHN .. TY

yeah that was some intentionally deceitful editing

RFID coming soon.

exactly! If he had proof of death, he’d whip it out and squash this "conspiracy theorist". Just cause the fake news claims it, then it must be true. So, I just need to have the fake news claim my hubby died, and I should see a check in a couple weeks.

Pomeroy claiming SideThorn was running is ludicrous! Side Thorn has never run from a damn thing! That guy cannot prove 1 damn person died in that satanic church! He’d whip that death certificate out if he had the truth on his side.

ROFLAO - CW WADE HIDING HIS FACE as he claims we can just order death certificates! I don’t know any State where these fake shootings are occurring that will allow a non-family member to get a copy of death certificate or autopsy! He’s such a liar!

The news guy says she was shot in the leg, yet the guy says he didn’t see it and somehow knows it was the foot. There would only be two things to do. Apply a tourniquet or pressure at the wound, or both. The last thing t you would want to do is walk on it as you would cause a lot of bleeding. I wonder if this will be another attempt at labeling hoaxers crazy. Might want to start adding question marks to everything soon, in case were labeled as a loon ; ?

Watch my video "I stand by you SideThorn" and you will see that these CRISIS ACTORS CALLED SIDE THORN! Leave it to CIA/VICE to cut that out of the video, and then play Satan Pomeroy claiming that Side Thorn is calling them!

300 police cars!!! Hahaaa

all these false flags my ass is tender

If hoaxers are so mean then break out the proof. Side Thorn has facts and Pomeroy couldn’t offer up any cohesive rebuttal just bullshit.

yep! Didn’t remember that, or I would have used a picture of wheel barrows for the line of ambulances. Either way, the story is still ridiculous! MULTIPLE AGENCIES ascend with over 300 vehicles for 1 shooter!?! Give me a break! It’s nonsense! Nobody gets a response like that anywhere else.

Another cashtastrophy, she must a been special to actually get an ambulance, I guess no wheelbarrows or stolen trucks were available on scene. Somehow I bet her shoe was missing.

just for copyright issues gshock...

It’s got to be fake. All of the points you made were exactly right. How did she hear people running and no shots? Also, the photo op of everyone outside with hands up? Can’t wait to hear what excuse they come up with for this this!! Great video! Thanks!

Thanks again JG. Its a literal shopping mall of actwhores in this. FFS..I broke my pencil writing all the dam loose end leads down. LOL

There is much to the cover.. I am assuming it will be making more sense soon enough in hindsight. I noticed same thing WTC but cannot put finger on what it may be so far.

The "education" they are getting is the problem. Its not real... Hows this going to play out in 5, 10, 15 years when we are in a world of these moronic "adults" raised on fear porn and social media. They wont live to 30.. Agenda 21 30 50 etc perhaps.. idk

I have seen this movie. It was on nightly news. :/

Plunger active soon I really hope.