
Thanks. Probably only needed to show Van at the end. That one is really in your face! I could have found a lot more code too, but I think 6.5 minutes is enough for anyone! All the emergency service vehicles are already coded, I think that is common across the world, They just park them where they need to for the official hoax photographer. That 666 registration number was probably always destined to be used in this hoax!

Nice breakdown, boy is this hoax full of numbers! I honestly can’t ever remember seeing so much coded numbers as I have in this one before.

just imagine how well the police state would treat us if the gun grabbers would get their way.

Yep! They did a hatchet job!

Using an angle grinder without gloves doesn’t prove you’re a man. It proves you’re an idiot. Ask my 9.7 fingered boss.

😂😂 🏆

Some of Schatners moves are hilarious

Well spotted

What about books?! :-)

Oh no AGAIN!?

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr this burns me up. austin? when? and i hope the young fellow is suing.

In the meantime, while we obsess over fake deaths, Israel uses the distraction to keep our eyes off the real shootings of Palestinians.

Who is Drew Harwell ???

Hi there I have covered him in my youtube channel, but YT took it all down. Sorry bout that.

Hi Hampstead...yeah totally, he was guilty of lying that’s for sure. I picked up a lot of deception mannerisms and many, many pauses which indicates thinking how to get themselves out of situations. I had a video on that interview, but it was on my channel which was taken down by Youtube.

Hello The Dialogue, Bombard’s Body Language said that Ricky Dearman was a straight shooter and a stand-up guy and a kind and loving father and TOTALLY NOT AT ALL a baby-eating child-gang-rape death cult leader. I disagreed with her about that.

Great vid, you can’t really argue against it. It’s undeniable proof.

Oh and tiny books. They can ’deter’ bullets. Right?

Don’t worry if they take the guns. Just carry around a cell phone or laptop. Cell phones and laptops can stop bullets. Right?

Case study on Biden: likely pedophile, admitted zionist. Keeper of the gavel. It’s kind of a buzzkill , really. The queen is royalty and a satanic hermaphrodite witch, more or less.. All the dudes in the royal family marry trannies. Nobody can save her. I don’t even know if she is human or what the hell she is. These creatures aren’t like us , they kinda look like people But I’m not even sure if they are. That is how abnormal I find them to be. Vampires comes to mind. Something like that.