
The Jesuits are at the top. The Jews work for them and this is discussed in the video if you take the time to listen before typing.

Look at that fake as shit picture of the earth from the moon!

Product placement! Think of how many sheeple think ’wow an iphone can stop a bullet’

Chemtrails don’t curve... It’s flat dispersion of the chems . The planes nose would be pointed down to adjust for the earths curvature... In California it would be flying on its side , whereas Australia the plane would appear to be upside down when viewed from space. Funny how none of the NASA vids have chemtrails in them. The earth must look really crazy right, now like a bunch of crisscrossed lines everywhere. ;)

Holy COW !!! Wow... Did that Lance Belderol from "The (young,new?) Researchers" Rub off on Dr. Fetzer, or what. lol Jim was talking so fast that he put rappers to sham. I wonder if researcher Lance lit a fire under Dr."old goat" oops... I mean "Dr.Fetzer" butt.? :-) Now, Lance belderol interviewing Dr. Fetzer, not this lil snow flak, "I didn’t even read your stuff" interviewer. Who was this interviewer? He?, shlee?, "wouldn’t want to ruffle feathers" was embarrassing to listen to as the interviewer stumbled on a device for the next strawmann to clumsily throw at my hero. "tho Lance, may dethrown him" lol For a wonderful presentation by "Lance" to Jim and the guys watch this show It’s got points by Lance that seem to have been over looked by Jim,Gus,Gary,Larry and the others down at ingsoc. 153NEWS ROCKS and so do Researchers!!

Wow. Loved this. Go Fetz!

Those super nice white Helmets with their super clean clothing.

To many variables for self driving cars. Animals, kids, snow, blown tires, rain, and so forth. And really..why?

I don’t use any peace sign. What are talking about? I know exactly what it is Neronic Cross. Symbols can mean whatever you want them to. If Don puts a peace symbol in his intro then my guess is for HIM it means just that ...peace. I’m not getting into this is satanic or this is isn’t. Lot of people have been slaughtered by the ones flying the cross.

If you want to see something funny do an image search on ’phone saves life from bullet’ and check out how many times they have used this story. Pages of them. I think I have seen it in a a few movies, too.

then watch someone shoot an AR-15 at cell phones. The round will go through like six cell phones.

10 points.

Angel Colon’s skin is second

Books and cell phones are great bullet deflectors, but I think passports are the strongest material known to man.

Incredible, just like Aussie Emma Parkinson’s kelvar butt stopping a bullet at the Bataclan. She did Aussie 60 Minutes a week later sitting down showing no signs of pain. The new Apple Kelvar iPod 😂

Uncle Alice- Of course. These videos usually expose a good amount. For that they are good. But we all see when the person shoulda quit while ahead. Also good. PS I never thumbs down any videos here unless they are just ridiculous. I save my Thumbs downs for yootoob.

Hahaa that’s funny. Since even a .22LR will blow through a 2x4. Although a Parkland girl said her notebook stopped a .223 round and the Sutherland BS had a girl whose eyeglasses deflected a .223 round hahaaa sounds like they’re not that deadly it almost negates their anti gun argument

"You have been played, you have to get more sophisticated than that"

What jim Just said in 30 minutes should be in every newspaper and magazine but of course it’s not!

How can anyone not see that the people behind the hoaxes are trying to set us up? They don’t like us because we are hindering their advances towards gun control and their other despotic intentions. What better than to create fake truthers to act the fool and Fake hurt someone for the TV Show called news. It’s the oldest trick in the book, wake the hell up.