
Thanks for mentioning the FBI. They’ve become like the tweaker who steals something from you, and then helps you look for it. POS hoaxers they are.


Goodnight sweet boy 😂

Civil shepherd, it’s probably Michael Reszneki.

Michael Reszneki you need to get a job then you wouldn’t have time for your nonsense.

3:51 Stroking the cock rofl

Thanks my brother! Love it!

He should just make up random numbers to fuck with the goyim

Thanks, Austin Texas!

Don’t stop documenting.

Pics of baby goats isn’t something people go down for. I smell a young vigilante brewing up. Seen the new Death Wish?

Was He going to mention oil?

Nobody would believe an anonymous coward’s lie on the stand. You must have a lot of free time and no friends to bug.

Demons have a hard time growing a full head of hair

The idea that jootube would need to censor a channel like that is as ridiculous as that getting into a jootube building and past security with a gun. Trying to associate people who know conspiracies are real with the crazy behavior being exhibited. Always running many agendas with these things. Soon they will have the authority to lock you up for questioning them, then claim your a danger because tv is not reality to you.

As soon I saw those videos it made me think of elsagate and also cia/fbi hoaxes. Nobody really knew of "her" various yt channels until after yt deleted them. But I think the tranny is the key clue. Besides the transgender agenda, using a female impersonator works well if you are playing a character that needs to be exterminated. All you have to do is take off the wig, make-up and women’s clothes. The "woman" obviously never existed in real life. There is no footage of "her" anywhere near yt headquarters. All the non-yt eye-witnesses say they witnessed what happened on yt property even though the non-yt eye-witnesses admit they were never on yt property. I wonder if this character is what they think truthers would be attracted to? The squirrel can even smell them nuts.

All I want is the truth

and? For being 6 months old we are doing fine. We get 3/4 of a million page views a day. When a hot topic hits, people watch. We can’t hang you satanists overnight. It will take time.


Loving it ...