
It looks like a cgi to me, never seen such a long unnatural neck shape

One other thing you said I can relate to. "It was the best thing to happen.." I felt the same thing when I met FBI (day after your arrest) in Erie. I felt I exposed what the media fears: you and me and everyone else here and there doing what we do.

"The Visit"... Try ordering a bullet proof vest and see what happens. You’ll have agents of one type or another at you door before the check clears. "I only ordered an old flack jacket" (for a zombie crawl costume)

D?... Is this my old roomy ? it’s (gman) here if so. If this is you, what my "g" for. If this is not my "deman", sorry for posting here, but I can’t have an account here. "I’m tooo controversial?" lol I must admit, almost everything covered in this ghetto’s channels is "same old, same old" or down right milk toast. (here’s some "to late now" news) I see no coverage on any one of the many invasions taking place on earth, no anti-nuke news, is there a weather wars channel or anybody here covering the forced "nap time" happen world wide.? "or I can’t find it" I closed my old ch. on (jewtube) when I was told to. See, when you report on truly preventable matters is when you get the visit, or worse arrested. I’ll check back for a response, I can’t PM ya. Anyone out there want to share a channel? :-)

Thanks RV for posting here! We almost lost you!

Great job Peekay!!!!! Thanks.

Great video RV. Also 45 can be 15 15 15 for 666.

For not being a professional bought and paid for interviewer Peekay did an outstanding job. And yeah, that whole flat/globe thing came up in the conversation way too many times....oh wait, it wasn’t ever mentioned once.

I agree with Chuck P, perfect !

Great analogy C H Luke.

Yes, Truth in lyrics...(Flat Earth Anthem) – ’I Can See For Miles’ was recorded for The Who’s 1967 album ’The Who Sell Out.’ + I love Roger Daltrey’s caftan:

Hoaxes , hoaxes everywhere !

CGI, dudelady.


I’m so done with youtube. The place is a joke!

Cheers, Civil Shepherd!



When I saw the full version of this video in 2015 I knew that everything I have learned could be a lie.