
I quit listening to Fetzer the day he ran away from flat Earth knowledge while regurgitating the laughable "proofs" of the Masonic spinning-ball-sun-at-center meme. And to my knowledge he’s never once come back and objectively entertained the subject. Correct me if I’m wrong. He’s Kent Hovind for the non-Christian. Cut your losses and move on. He doesn’t have the inclination to man up and challenge the silly superstitious crap he’s been brainwashed into believing his whole live. Or worse, is Controlled Opposition who was instructed not to go down the path that leads from a Masonic fairy tale into the land of Truth. Should Fetzer ever publicly acknowledge demonstrable facts in nature proving we do indeed live on a stationary horizontal plane, I will again gladly listen to him. Here are the choices with Fetzer; 1) Big blind spot, intentionally, or 2) Big blind spot, ignorantly. Having the title, "Dr.," doesn’t mean SQUAT to me.

unfortunately, it takes people a while to look with an open mind at the flat earth topic. When I was waking out of the Matrix, I got pissed at people that wanted to make that claim. It goes against everything the public indoctrination schools and our parents taught us, so it’s hard to think it’s legit and especially a guy like Fetzer who is a college professor. I don’t care how long it takes people to wake, as long as they are on that road to truth. We can’t fault people for not being able to shake off their cognitive dissonance. It’s been a hard and long road for me, and now that I’m aware that I must question and challenge everything I was taught, I’m thankful that I awoke before my kids repeat the same matrix of lies to their kids.

TheTruthisSweet, you can’t categorically deny that something like that is impossible, any more than you can deny that there may be some NFL players who are homosexual. So when you say "just don’t apply it to...." you’re working from a point of view that will not be altered in the face of facts, and denying the possibility of those facts. That’s what Christians, for example, do daily. They will not entertain that they’ve been deceived, in their false religion, by the corporate priestcraft living off their labor (tithes & love offerings). They too will say, when challenged about the validity of any OTHER false religion; "just don’t apply it to" Christianity; ours is true, theirs isn’t. Illogical approach.

then, that channel should take it down on their own if they want to be taken serious

One final comment since I am the to start this whole bruhaha. To Niven: keep posting but I have the right to question.......I realize that calling out NHL players as freemartins and whatever else is just opinion. Nothing more. However, show a picture of yourself. Let others judge what you look like. You might be surprised at how others judge your looks. And that goes for anyone else who wants to speculate on freemartin type stuff. My pic is my avatar, though I had to photo shop out my manboobs..... 😎

I had no problems with Fetzer on Sandy Hook. I respect that he looks into things.

Just don’t apply it to NHL players.

And Mark: I consult with a ton of people. Jim actually emailed me his thoughts on this topic and when he says let 1000 flowers bloom, he is saying let the people have their voices and lets see what kind of garden we end up with. Jim is fighting for freedom of speech. That should be huge in of itself.

All of your videos on this are excellent. What a ridiculous hoax this is! The hoaxes are getting more stupid by the minute and they really don’t care that we can easily see it.

could it just be to cover up the killing of the VP of Wells Fargo ?

Auto hoaxer, are you serious with that? Did you even watch her video?

And me personally...I just didn’t see it. I am not convinced but that doesn’t make him wrong.

That company, Genie Energy, is owned and operated by the following people: rnrnRichard Cheney – Former Vice PresidentrnRupert Murdoch – CEO FOX NewsrnBill Richardson – Former Governor of New Mexico/Energy Secretary under Bill ClintonrnJames Woolsey – Director of the CIA under Bill ClintonrnLarry Summers – Secretary of the Treasury under Bill ClintonrnMary Landrieu – Former Democratic Senator from Louisiana and she was instrumental in the 2013-14 US-Israel Energy Cooperation BillrnMichael Steinhardt – Wisdom Tree InvestmentsrnLord Jacob Rothschild – Rothschild Banking CabalrnrnWho owns the formerly nationalized Iraq Oil Company? Nathan Rothschild and ex CEO of BP Tony Hayward. Now you know the real reasons we’re invading all of these countries. It cost US taxpayers One Trillion Dollars and 3,836 fatalities to invade Iraq. Yet millions of US citizens live in absolute poverty. rnWhy is that? How is that even possible?rn

I respect what you are saying. I know I am 100% right in what I did. But this was between myself and 153. I have no opinion on Fetzer. He is no more an authority than me. I am one education degree below him. Thats the way it is. I can hold my own against anyone but also contribute as well. I told Jason and staff I would abide by their decision. Because the vids stay does not make me wrong. I explained in my other comment. People with common sense can figure this whole thing out.

I am not sure this is your business but I have nothing to hide. Dr. Fetzer has been a key source of information for me and my legal team in our soon to be attack against Lenny Pozner. Dr. Fetzer does upload here and we value his work. You have a little tiny list of things you have a problem with Dr. Fetzer on while he covers thousands of topics. A wise man listens to the council of those around him and makes his decisions, a fool rushes to his folly.

when something like that is on the National Fake News the same time it hits the local news, then you know it’s fake. Any other incident we would have got footage on the evening news. It’s funny how all of these fake events take place during 10:00 and 4:00. It’s like no other catastrophe occurs outside of those hours. My guess is they were wanting a distraction from the Trump stuff going on, but who knows. It could have been all about viewer ratings and commercial spots. The "rescue" was a shit show. Looked like a drill, and the NTSB pics ALL of the guys looking at the engine are smiling! I thought I’d cut a small video on those idiots!


I have been at this stuff since ’75 in a sense because of Zapruder tape, lol. But I have been a researcher since ’03 due to 9/11. I made my case. I know I am right. There is more evidence but that will be behind the scenes so to speak. I will engage Niven in future videos just like in his recent video. I will ask questions. That is fair. Those 1000 flowers blooming will contain some black roses. And I caught one. Carry on to better things. ✌

I know! It must be a major satanic cult down there! I don’t know how you stand that place, but God bless you guys!