
Why would anything out of the ordinary come through the ventilation system ?

no blood on the window!


Not a whole team, the whole industry. I realize people switch sexes. That doesn’t affect me. My friendship circle has no one like that. I do have a couple gay friends that have been helpful to me on Pulse investigation because of their contacts in Erie. They are PhD’s. Retired couple.

RV: busy now to watch vid. What is to be gained from this for airline(s)? Just more wasted taxpayer money on no real problem?

I agree. Absolutely silly to try and claim a whole team FTM/MTF. But with MrE’s latest video it is clear that it’s much easier to spot a MTF than it is FTM.

how about everybody wang chung tonight while you are being gangstalked?

Jeffersonian Girl, I have no disagreement with anything you wrote, and your videos are excellent investigations into the lies we’re being served today with these now ubiquitous false flags. But Fetzer prides himself on logic, and when he declares that "a lie vitiates the whole testimony," one must decide if he’s LYING about clinging to a laughable belief in a spinning ball, or if he lacks the logic he prides himself having. I listened the day, several months ago now, that he entertained flat Earth. He didn’t really entertain the evidence AT ALL! Because if you heard the same interview, you will know that he gave David Weiss so many minutes and afterwards launched into a pre-canned attack against the demonstrable facts in nature proving our Earth is built on a horizontal plane, and that he falls well short of the title, King of Logic. And what about since that interview? Has he broached the subject publicly again? Has he read Rowbotham? Or does he think that one pathetic canned response is sufficient to forever settle the issue while giving aid and comfort to the Masonic Priests who delivered the faith to the blinded adherents of it, such as Jim Fetzer himself. Regarding the Humbolt affair, all I know is that the truck with the twisted frame seen at the accident site, is NOT the truck shown in the salvage yard that is claimed to be the truck in the accident (or, it IS the same truck, only the video at the salvage yard was shot of the comparatively lightly damaged truck BEFORE it was used and severely damaged subsequently as a prop in the psyop). Who, or how many are FTM/MTF on any given sports team doesn’t matter (to me) if demonstrable facts prove we’ve been scammed yet again by these liars.

I like your videos hope you continue to post here. I was really hoping elliot rodgers would be in attendance there. BTW many believe Vicki Kowa is really Vicki Soto. Here is a video of her could be a match???

I was looking at the photos of the aircraft -- yep, not a scratch nor a scorch on the fuselage where the window is broken. How miraculous.

I have no problem with Dr. Fetzer adding his opinion on this. It doesn’t affect my claim. The photo was not photoshopped. I guess he agrees with me, I think. Some people hate Fetzer, some love Fetzer. I have complemented him on SH. Some things I disagree with other than SH. Flat Earth has nothing to do with my claims. I don’t care if one believes in FE or not. But I respect their opinions. One can have an opposing views on FE but still contribute. And Visa versa as well. This is about a team photo being photoshopped. Not FE.

The name game is something I had not given much thought to before. What about Rachel ’Maddow’ -- (one of my favorite shilling liars to loath)? ’Mad Dow’ as in manipulating the insane lie of Wall Street?

Absolutely correct, Russianvids! -- once I began to ’wake up’ I began a backward journey in examining all the false ideals and lies that I had accepted and that had shaped my life through my past right up to present. I went right down to ground zero. One of my favorite quotes: “Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” Cheers to you, and all who question everything!

And the lying freemasons will check yes or no they are freemasons?

Furthermore, TheVoiceofReason, if you’re going to have any sort of litmus test as to who you will admit into this video service, ONE of those requirements should be a solemn declaration/affirmation that a person is NOT a Freemason, or have membership in any other secret society, in my opinion. Because if you entertain any such silly thought as Freemasons are NOT enemies of Truth, or that they are NOT major opponents to the things we seek as truthers, you would be sadly mistaken. They imprecate themselves to LIES in the very first oath they take. It’s a malicious, malignant cancer in the Earth today, so why would you not endeavor to preclude them poisoning this site with their lies?

On one hand that video(s) should be taken down but on the other hand I also see Niven does have the right to make his claims but I have the right to comment on his claims. I am letting it go. I am somewhat disappointed the people who liked that video didn’t examine team photo.

The guy that woke me up is just finally figuring out you can’t trust any freemasons....nasa included. He laughs because I thought he was demon possessed when he was telling me how the world really was. I spent 5 days in a room researching this mad mans statements and he was right...I was asleep and that was 7 years ago. Just last year he came into the flat earth findings and was like...i was duped there to. He was a 26 degree freemason that quite once he figured out their god was lucifer. He knows more about spell casting and evil stuff because he was there.

Mark: All NHL player? Every single one? I don’t see any. All speculation is what I see.

This I think is important, Niven. Like I told Jason, if I didn’t know what this forum was about and I saw the freemartin stuff on NHL players with your pics, I could have turned that over for legal action. (Of course I wouldn’t do that but just making it an example). You have the right to make your accusations, but you have to watch out for the possibility of someone from the NHL taking action against not only you, 153 as well. I don’t want to to see that happen. Some players are sensitive about these things. Who knows who watches this site from afar. Some perp could be the one to contact NHL just to get this site in trouble. Probably a slim chance, a chance non the less.

No gingerbread houses....waaaaaaaaaa