
that’s funny! I had downloaded a bunch of videos the night it happened, and I didn’t do any further looking on the internet so I had no idea others found that mistake too. I had cut my video on Mr. Wifi Martinez, and it takes nearly an hour to process it to MP4 file. So, when it’s done, I hate to recut it unless it’s a major problem. I was watching the MP4 file I made on Marty when it was uploading to 153news, and it was like a slap in the face when I saw those masks. While I was making the Marty video I was trying to listen and look for signs of a window being blown out, WHICH THERE ISN’T, and I didn’t even look at the masks. I started slamming Southwest’s Twitter page with the picture of those idiots too, so it will be interesting if they reply. They’ve been replying to anyone buying the BS, so I’m hoping they reply!

Since you bring it up, MrE posted an excellent video yesterday on FTM’s. There absolutely is something going on in this realm that is harder to detect than males dressed in drag claiming to be females after having some silicone breast implants put in. Bruce Jenner is still Bruce Jenner. MrE’s video is "FTMs, Water Monitors and Eels."

BTW I saw you mirrored one of my video on YT. Thank you! Probably will be pulled down soon, but at least you are spreading truth! We all have a role in waking up our neighbors! thanks!

Yes and people should take someone who has been in the game as a voice of truth. Regardless of what I really feel about this, lets let 1000 flowers bloom. Much love brother.

Fetzer?! He’s running from flat Earth knowledge with his tail tucked between his legs. And he’s not about to acknowledge that the Zapruder film clearly shows a holly-wood squib pyrotechnic device rolling up the side of JFK’s face revealing pristine skin underneath it. He’s made a self-serving industry out of that false flag psyop (and I’ve been listening to him a long time, even back in the day he was digging in his heals denying McCartney has been replaced with the phony Faul). Everything we thought we knew about events of the past MUST be reevaluated in light of our understanding of how these psyops have been being conducted all along by the Controllers. Why is he being consulted on anything? And to what extent is he involved in the formation of 153News? The reason I ask is because emails are being exchanged with him. How are you acquainted with him, and if he isn’t even uploading videos here, why would he even be consulted. If you’re all about the Truth don’t go to one who runs from it while thinking a fallacious appeal to any authority you think he may have, makes a dent in what the actual truth of any given subject is, including the Humbolt crash.

No the photos are not photoshopped. Can you prove without a shadow of a doubt he is wrong? I mean, would you put your life on it? Your upset because this is your world, brother I get that...but thumbs down it and I know what your saying buy we can’t lock down because of the topic. Please trust me on this.

Here was my evidence for all to see regarding team photo.

I don’t care if videos stay up. Actually it is good. It will give people the chance to see really crap work. People are smart enough to realize when someone is using a false premise to promote a false narrative on NHL players.

Put it this way, DHS was formed in outline before 9/11. But that is common knowledge.

Are you scared Bobby? What type of music should ST have used, polka?

Bobby: Trash? Show me who else has DHS flying over head? You think ST is great but trash his video. Tell Jeff(guest) hello.

I posted this on youtube with a link back here. Lets see if I get a strike.

I see I wasnt clear. Im in favor of censorship in this case, odious as it is to freedom. We are up against massive disinfo, ideally you can keep the water as clear as possible.

There were no chemical attacks. The White Helmets are producing the chemical attack hoaxes in Syria and they are on the ground and would not spread chemicals that would harm themselves. The underground lab was probably used to produce evidence of "chemical attacks". The interviews with the boy and the hospital staff are solid evidence of a staged event in Dhouma. It was scripted by the warmongers and fed to the sheeple by Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is involved in a company with oil fields in the Golan Heights, Genie Oil and Gas.

Check out this short article

I believe truth can be gleaned from the cesspool of noise and disinfo by those inclined to seek it but most aren’t going to wade in. The slime is deep, by design. Ideally truth rises to the surface, discernable by those willing to look and able to see. While you’re checking

Bobbin on the nob goblin then givin’ it a fake choppin lol! I remember that story from when I was fast asleep. It’s part of the reason why I stayed celibate for so long haha.

The strawman fallacy of "our lives are worth more than you having guns" is fucking ridiculous and idiotic on the face of it. As are all their other "reasons" to disarm us in the face of "mass violence". goddam it is maddening!, thanks for the video dude.

America, America, America :(