
The pope has multiple titles in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew that add up to 666. Revelation 13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

They make all these mass casualty exercises/hostage scenarios to appear to be the real thing to the untrained eye, they use Hollywood FX crews and they are becoming even more sophisticated.

This Demonic Pope is dumber than a bag of rocks, and he is leading those dumb idiots that are just like him...... Like Produces Like.

Looks real to me the tactics they used were the same tactics I saw being used on innocent civilians in Iraq we called terrorist the world is a stage but this time it’s just for the sheep’s reactions

Correction, NOT here to interpret these verses.

Same ancient evil and treachery to humankind.

Is that in Catholic doctrine? Roman’s 13:1-7 says For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordnance of God; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil...... I’m here to interpret, but ever since Satan was cast out of heaven unto the earth, it has always been referred to as his domain ( The Prince of The Power of the air) and the ruler of this world so it’s hard to separate and understand them both, on the surface they seem to contradict each other, the rulers that exist now are not of God but of Satan, and it is he that is the architect of this New World Order, trying to unite the Governments and all of mankind under a one world government and religion to worship him in defiance of God.

Sadly, if all these delusional useful idiot leaders believe they are going to play a major role in a giant one world government, they need to read Revelations. There will be 10 world regions that will last a very short time until the ’Donkey King’ arrives on the scene and takes over everything. I bet they are the first ones sent to hell.

I stopped after the leading question ’How worried are you about Climate Change? First it substantiates to the listener that CC is real. Secondly, it says they should be worried and it is only a matter of degree of worry, meaning everyone should be worried to a degree. Everything on the news is twisted in this manner. If you dare not to be worried at all, then you are labeled a ’denier’ if that ad hominem insult is also real and implies to the audience that you are insane or stupid if you do not follow the cult reality.

Exactly, it is a veiled threat of their future actions, not a prediction of an unfortunate incident, evil hackers, or war retaliation. It’s an announcement of their plan of how they will force us to do what they want.

Is there any organization in the world that is not part of this Agenda and not part of this plan? The ones that bother me the most are the charitable organizations that take your donations and help invaders instead of crisis victims. Am I the only person not ’on the take’ somehow?

I listen to catholic radio alot and they are mostly very conservative. they have great shows/interviews with people all the time. Many about the horrors of abortion, microplastics and pharmaceuticals in the drinking water, how birth control hormones make women looney, how GMO food is bad and glyphosate on all the wheat etc. I’ve also heard many shows on spiritual warfare, breaking spells/curses/witchcraft in Jesus’ name, and casting out demons which I never hear on the christian radio station. The one guy had on a bishop or cardinal guy one time and was asking him why they haven’t excommunicated Biden yet and whats it going to take. I hear a bunch of the catholic nonsense also like last night I heard the host saying even if you know a church ruling is wrong its best to go along with it anyways because the church was put in place by God etc.

Let’s all move to Tennessee

lol War is brutal. Info wars. The masses of dumb down floridated sleeping people might be too far gone to save?


Very, very, very weird. He must of died a couple of hours after emailing me. Exact same day he emails me, he dies. What are the odds? He was a good dude. RIP is a 72-part series delving into the many anomalies of the baltimore key bridge takedown

Vatican controls all "sides". Trump, Biden, Fauci, Newsom, all deeply Jesuit trained. Pretty soon the religia app will begin limiting travel, food, sunlight, even oxygen.

Wow, I pray to God that he would keep me out of those streets and those thugs.