
Joshua 10:12-13 CERN will do it again.

Come back and bite them all in the ass as it’s should, Sherri is not out of the woods by a long shot.

Even the Dr Phil show which tries to project a squeaky clean image highlighting people with relationship and emotional problems are mostly if not all staged with actors, and of course it’s a HARPO production also known as OWN, Oprah Winfrey Network. Gotta love the fake security there to prevent physical altercations, they allow the staged fights to continue.

Excellent information - Thanks.

Wow, this video is pure gold. Very accurate explanation of the social engineering that is being done towards western civilization. As Alan Watt has said - it is the only real war in the world. Thus the vertical warfare conducted by the elite against the human populations.

I pity the poor bastard given the task of coming on my property to tell me I can’t have chickens.

First line of a Merle Haggard song called What Happened says it all............."it used to be Andy and Barny Fife now it’s Howard Stern and the brothel life".................Stern another Jew played a big role in this agenda.

If all the morons didn’t tune in to this garbage................the sneaky Jew agenda wouldn’t work.

That sounds like a fun encounter. I suppose they expect everyone to praise the emperors new clothes, good story.


Land of the Fee and home of the slave, your freedom is an illusion.

They’ve been wiping out ducks and duck farmers in France since 2020...coz migration makes bird flu, according to their ’tests’. I had a bod, from the Council, come round last year to inform me that ’bird flu’ had been ’detected’ in my neighbourhood. He handed me a leaflet which I handed back, saying I don’t believe in this BS. He looked horrified and, quickly, left.

It’s a bit of a strange video and I’m not sure what it was trying to prove.

So many young lives wasted in the last 200 to 400 years. All of them of white European origin. In the UK, we are brought up to believe that Britain is a poodle of the USA - when, in fact, it is the complete opposite. The USA has been the ’Military arm’, of the City of London - and the City of London is the British State...which means us all a great deal of harm.

Great compilation video. It shows them all up for the mercenary, treacherous, murderous, lying bastards that they are. Never forget. Never forgive.


We wouldn’t be here if not for them??????????????............HOW SO??????????.............This is why I can’t stand Memorial day. If it were true that the US was this beacon of freedom liberating countries around the world from evil dictators I would be the first one to go to a NASCAR race , stand up, remove my hat and yell USA, USA!...............However it’s just not true. The US military is Israel’s billy club with bases all over the world to keep leaders in check with the NWO plans.

And we have to pay interest on the money we borrowed from Rothschild to fight their wars to make an exclusive ethnostate for the false imposter Jews and their dumb thrall scofield christian zionists (but the christian zionists can only visit).

Selling 1 pint of my piss to anyone who wants it :DrnANY TAKERS?!

I can see the internet being taken down but I don’t see the electricity being shut off for that long of a time or at all. TV is the their #1 form of control. if internet gets ’hacked’ then all online businesses are down, airplanes would be grounded...etc. TV will still be up and running to spread the fear and propaganda to further push the biometric banking and biometrics to log onto the internet when it goes back up. Everything is leading the cashless society and mark of the beast.