
BootyJudge, may be an expert judge of fine male booty, but he seems to be having problems with bridges and trains. It doesn’t matter when Biden’s on your side. Results don’t matter, one needs only to be of the accepted moral free persuasion or more important, a much-preferred skin tone.

Led by guys like Pete Bootyjuice.

Why are these people so damn happy to loose their limbs?

If she ever pushed the Vax on others..................I have no sympathy for her.

None of these people had to fight or die ! We would still be here if they had not fought ! Nobody died fro freedom . They died for the transatlantic zionist empire ! The TAZE !

She did not die she retired ! CIA Spook !

Imagine if all these people knew the truth. Doctors and politicians would be shot on the spot.

Yup, the dreaded "Black hands and feet". When will people like her admit their horrific injuries were caused by the FrankenVaxx?

Died Suddenly. We KNOW what that means. Guess she wasn’t in the inner circle and didn’t get word.

When are these criminals gonna hang? My pecan tree is waiting.

Jim said your kids are never the same after they’ve been vaccinated, Peggy Hall who is apposed to vaccinating your pets, says they are never the same either, their whole personalities change so there is a correlation between vaccines an personality changes.rn

Kissinger a Quote? Dumb stupid Animals to be used as Cannon fodder in their Wars. Thus put a dog tag on them? Old song grew up singing. Where have all the flowers gone. Long time passing...When will they ever learn when will they ever learn...

10 And ‎YHWH threw them into confusion before Yisra’ĕl, and they smote them with a great smiting at Giḇ’on, and pursued them along the way that goes to Bĕyth Ḥoran, and smote them as far as Azĕqah and Maqqĕḏah.rn11 And it came to be, as they fled before Yisra’ĕl and were on the descent of Bĕyth Ḥoron, that ‎YHWH threw down large hailstones from the shamayim on them as far as Azĕqah, and they died. There were more who died from the hailstones than those whom the sons of Yisra’ĕl had slain with the sword.rn12 Then Yahoshua spoke to ‎YHWH in the day when ‎YHWH gave the Amorites over to the children of Yisra’ĕl, and he said before the eyes of Yisra’ĕl, “Sun, stand still over Giḇ’on; and moon, in the Valley of Ayalon.”rn13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself upon their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Yashar? Thus the sun stopped in the midst of the shamayim, and did not hasten to go down for an entire day.rn (YAHOSHUA (Joshua)) 10rnrnSatan doesn’t have any power to make the moon and the sun stop.

I liked his videos. He told the truth.Nice man I am not sure about his spiritual condition. I hope he made it though!!


ON. Mark Crispin Miller He goes back three of four years and shows where schools, police departments, fire departments, and many more forced many to get these jabs or lose their jobs before they came down with the aftereffects of the poison potion.

Can they re-oppose the moon or at least give us another 1,000 years? Big ring magnet can hold a heavenly body in place for a time...

Will you be be updating us on the months financial condition ? I hope and pray we can hang in their till the end! Thanks everyone for helping keep her alive!!

Joshua 10:12-13 CERN will do it again.