
I’ve never seen such a horrifying, black "iced" up bunch of limbs before. Hard to believe people can get to this point and sit there and painlessly talk about it, just like that Aussie govt official, Craig MacKinlay. First 2 times I’ve seen it. I the only one asking if this is bs??

Wow. Springer said they used to show upper class white living then his show showed "another slice of the people who make up the country." Really? You either have Springer’s family or you have the rest of America, as he presented on his show?

I wouldn’t honestly be shocked that what this man is saying might actually be true - even though everything here is just words from his mouth, not actually giving ANY type of depth that intelligent, thoughtful people might desire. I did appreciate that at the end, he says he’ll wear a 3mg nicotine patch each day for the rest of his life. LOL which pharma co would you receive that daily dose from skippy? Why not just eat more green/red tomatoes?? Blondie was hardly paying attention to boot...

When I think of Trump and Stormy, I’m reminded of Bill Clinton’s, "yea, but I didn’t inhale!"

Wait, so covid is real again?... What a clown show. It’s pear shaped, btw...not apple shaped........

These Dirty Buggers Suck.

It’s other ingredients they put in tobacco to make it addictive.

He fancies his daughter and he’d give her one, he fancies his daughter and he’d give her one……..incestual beast

Bobby Fuller and the 4 are rolling over in their graves. Sacrilegious!

I’ve not checked this video yet but I’m glad to see some recent sharing on this topic to get a better sense of the level of death and other aspects of the event. I do have a university rag that has discussed some aid back in December and it did not sound like as many deaths as we were told in the "truther" community.

I am hoping for the Return of Yahusha ..rnDon’t think enough people will wake up. rnDon’t give up keep fighting for the truth. May be one more will wake up before it’s too late.cheers

OK, it’s the joy of smoking that’s addictive. Why didn’t I think of that?

The term prediabetic was invented just before the release of Ozempic according to Robert Kohn former head of the ADA. Big pharma’s goal is to get everyone on at least 3 drugs they have to take every day. That’s where the money is.

That is for those who they decide to let live. 90+ percent in population, to be eliminated..

She worked at CNN. I don’t have any sympathy for her anyway. If she didn’t push the VAX, she definitely pushed some bullshit propaganda on something else. Don’t have any respect for these news bunnies.

NASA is full of ass clowns. They lie about everything to hide our creator. Thank you for the video.

They all need to be held accountable for what they’ve done. It’s just that simple.


Yes, definitely free of moral moral persuasion.

BootyJudge, may be an expert judge of fine male booty, but he seems to be having problems with bridges and trains. It doesn’t matter when Biden’s on your side. Results don’t matter, one needs only to be of the accepted moral free persuasion or more important, a much-preferred skin tone.