
The WMD’s that Dubya Bush was looking for under his podium, have finally arrived. Great comment.

Hey therernI was wondering how long does it usually take to get final approval?

Tattoos - destroying your health by deception.rn"They are reported to be highly carcinogenic by environmental protection agencies. Heavy metals, namely, cadmium, lead, mercury, antimony, beryllium, and arsenic are responsible for cancer, neurodegenerative diseases"

So it’s we/they, then?? Nice to see diversity here on 153

I seriously doubt that nicotine heals damage from 5G and other electromagnetic sources, err, I mean prevents "covid/flu’s".

If The Almighty doesn’t pay Fagsville a visit . He`s gonna have to apologise to Sodom and Gamorrah.

Exactly, the Elite exploit peoples natural instincts against them, to feel belonging and part of the tribe. Everything that reaches a certain popularity threshold, must be cause for great caution and scrutiny before engaging or relating to it. Whether religious sects, political movements or physical products. My research has lead me to believe that the C-19 jabs were created and researched by the DOD and DARPA, which has strong connections to the Moderna company. They created Moderna as a front company, and made a deal with the larger manufacturers such as Pfizer, to mass produce and market the nanotech weapons systems. Forget about the fake atom bomb, this is the real deal weapon of mass destruction.

Sandy Hoax south.

Not a surprise. A good rule: Whatever appears to be the craze, and everyone seems to be jumping on board, don’t do it. Simply because the herd doesn’t do anything without being propagandized into doing it. They let others do their thinking and as in this case, they pay the heavy price, just like the hurry up and gimme the jab folks.

Actually, the more one listens to Hanshaw’s music, the more one realizes this era was the start of the women’s liberation movement, the decline of moral standards, and the destruction of America. What a coincidence.

I hear you, I quit smoking the death tubes in 1999, this year marks it as a quarter century. The most important thing we’ve both learned, is how susceptible we are to addiction to anything. A lesson learned worth more than bars of gold.

I agree that the judicial system has been rigged, but I wouldn’t have surrounded myself with the very types of people who would stab me in the back later on. Personally, I wish Trump no harm, but he does cause many of his own problems.

Yes, while I’m not at.all cheering for Trump, I’m bemoaning the fact that there are no good Judges in America, and we haven’t had any long before Sandy Hook.

I put a link in the description to the original creator, (the guy who did all the work you mentioned) he has much more political humor. I just added Trump’s honeypot for an added effect.

We’re glad you were paying attention.

Whether you love or hate President DJT is not what is at stake here. We are watching the judicial system being used as a political weapon. If this can be done to a rich President to keep him from campaigning and possibly bankrupting or incarcerating him, what to you think will be done to poor little YOU if you get in their way? This is a judgement upon impartial law.

I just listened to that tune for the first time today. I wonder why I’ve never heard it on the radio.! Do you suppose it’s the same reason we get pride month jammed in our face every June?

A lot of time must have gone into making this video.............loved it.

I prefer the song called Ain’t goin’ down on Brokeback mountain by Willie Nelson.

This joker DR? is the same asshole pushing the snake venom in water was spreading CONvid 19.