
I find social media is a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.” Wednesday Addams

I’d be happy if every viewer of 153news made a donation to finance the future of this site. With this one, I donate .

yes with a massive educated population who knows what humanity could do. these selfish elites are busy giving themselves extermination rights over the rest of us. romans smashed them pretty good. maybe its what it takes.

jboss this is pretty scary stuff.

I love to revisit this video.

yep. DL expired on 4 Feb17. I’ll never get another one. Not good to sign a contract with any Inc. Got insurance so my truck doesnt get towed. Tags are next.

Much love to you brother.

thank you

Give it’s on the stock exchange so they are at the mercy of their owners. It’s a matter of time.

Back to ya brother!

Well you would get crypto and send it and we have a ton of options.

That’s the truth, it is extremely strange but people think 153news will be here forever and since it’s just here why should they care. Well that’s the sad reality of things and how people will lose this because they don’t value this place. It’s always the exact same names over and over. Hardly anyone gives a nod nor will throw in 50 cents. The day will come when we can’t fund this place and then my inbox will be full of cry babies saying where can we donate to bring her back and I will delete every single one of those emails. When the light are off they won’t ever be put back on under my shift. Thank you sis for being so loyal for so many years. You ave always been here for 153news and this place can’t stay funded it won’t be because of ANYONE with their names at the top. Casual viewers, I urge you to help and take the load off the warriors that have kept this place alive.

Judaism secretly teaches Jews that when their Messiah arrives all Nonjews will be completely ENSLAVED and EXTERMINATED .

Judaism secretly teaches Jews that when their Messiah arrives all nonJews will be completely enslaved and exterminated. rn "Global warming" and "zero carbon emissions" = depopulation of the common people.rn 100% of what we pay in personal federal income tax goes to pay just the bare interest on the national debt –see Ronald Reagan’s Grace commission report. This is how the Rothschilds have enslaved us.rn

Judaism secretly teaches Jews that when their Messiah arrives all non-Jews will be completely enslaved and exterminated.rn"Global warming" and "zero carbon emissions" = depopulation of the common people. rn100% of what we pay in personal federal income tax goes to pay just the bare interest on the national debt –see Ronald Reagan’s Grace commission report. This is how the Rothschilds have enslaved us.

It is strange that it is difficult to get more people to donate - always the same name. I’ve been donating since the first time the option was available and it’s been a couple of years now (with an exception for a few months when I deleted my pay pal account). I have an interest in keeping the platform going so I donate $10 a month - and have donated the same amount all along.

Great video. Humor goes a long way, even when in reality the topic isn’t so funny. It helps many folks get over their programmed reluctance to question what they are being told. To actually recognize and challenge their programming.

Eat ze bugs!

She Nailed it! This was my greatest concern from the begining! If one does not have Desernment they will not understand. Scripture tells us the wicked Will Not Understand. Thrust on your Cycle and Reep! Yahuah is Harvesting the Soles of Man! Cry out to Yahuah Yahweh . Yahuah proper pronouncement of his name! Yahuah will save us

It is a very serious matter, and the humor is rather macabre. Making light of the extremely sinister nature of this crime is only for the "advertising" effect in raising awareness to this problem. The goal is to wake up as many people as possible, to make this injection madness meme, if you will, become something more and more people want no part of. In other words, the greater number of people who blindly accept what world medicine says, the worse off we all are.