
Yeah, but the government is doing this so we must wonder when they to fight drugs, where does it go? Surely the same place it went to fight the "war" in Ukraine and Russia.

That is absolutely heartbreaking. There is no reason that people should even feel is so screwed up that they even need to zone.oyt.on drugs. This is all orchestrated. The same folks that bring us wars, TV, weather warfare, racial bullshit, on and on and what’s the payoff. Only Satan knows. I think that all these people were children once and had dreams and none of them thought, " I want to grow up and live in filth and spend my days and nights completely oblivious to reality in hell. And the fuckers that act as the middle men. Low life shit. The.produxersnwenknow, government and voodoos and Jesuits and Zionists and the usual shit, we’ve come to expect it. But like generals and politicians , they can think all the evil thoughts they want but without order followers they’re powerless. Sad. And fentanyl I guess is west coast.

It is real. What you see in this video took place at one of the biggest air shows in Europe, the Radom Airshow, in the city called Radom, Poland, located 60 miles south of Warsaw on August 26 & 27 this year. It was a flare dump and fireworks showcase performed by plane crews from many European countries on the night of August 26. You can watch the very same plane and fireworks being set off from a different vantage point at at the 3:40 mark of the video

Appreciate you, brother.

Rogan’s show is similar to the Alex Jones’s show, among many others. When people are seeking truth about the world, it’s just a roadside attraction most stop at temporarily, but move on when they’ve soaked up all the information that is relevant to their quest. I recall telling a fellow worker precisely that close to ten years ago when I was questioned about the value of the Alex Jones information. People must remain perpetually suspicious and open minded regarding their own conclusions to be successful. It’s a never-ending story which sometimes requires a recalculation of your route. Much like satellite street navigation systems.

Rogan is a POS. 100% controlled opposition fuck head

That’s interesting about the moon. Post a link and I’ll "share" that info with others. Thanks.

Not surprising at all. Dem’s work bootz, no need fo doze. To put it kindly.

Rogan is such a shameless cuck. The UFC really took a downturn involving that traitor. He taints the whole thing. A big tough steroided out media whore like Rogan cant tell the truth? It seems the only real men are conspiracy theorists. He also suddenly thinks we went to the moon too.

This story is actually at least three years old, but it gets tiring listening to these lying blowhards, and it deserves a revisit. Very few white people have such little character, as to freely loot without conscience, or to actually make a game of it. It’s a cultural anomaly reserved for people who feel that someone else owes them something. That’s not to say that all blacks are in this category, or that many whites are not, but the people who aren’t, don’t seem to be speaking up about it as much as they should be. I’ll venture to say, that the police response would be much more, "effective", if the majority of the looters were white.

I have watched hundreds of these videos and have yet to see a group of whites looting . Joe Rogan is a government bitch .

The government is going to repurpose any further Monies slated for Ukraine, for the task of combatting the avalanche of drugs killing these people. That is scheduled to happen, tomorrow.

And go where? Agenda 2030/2050 is basically the whole planet.

That’s the problem with truth newbies, and basically all foolish, unthinking people. How stupid is it to think that just because one posts a negative inference about any political figure, regardless of political affiliation, that it means the one who posts, is automatically "for" the opposing political dummy. Knee-jerk stupidity, very common to Americans.

If we ALL do a little, we can do ALOT.rn

Would love to share but nothing gers a person shutdown quicker

Worse to come under the guise of helping humanity and building back better…..the need to make the world a much safer place where you’re told what to think/know/do! Protect children and people worth the thought police (protection of children always a genuine #1 priority) And as time goes on, bit by bit, a few more freedoms are removed while the living dead are socially engineered and hypnotised by their tech/tv addictions - worse to come, only those with veils lifted will take heed, see and try rebuke, but their new legislation now protects them from being exposed - the games and rules look like they’ve changed……..ramble complete.

Stoicism is the answer. You should not care excessively what other people think, say or do.rnrn“I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others.”rnMarcus Aurelius, Meditations

I find social media is a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.” Wednesday Addams

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