
It did make me laugh! However Geneside not funny when family parents brother sisters and my children are Dieing. Very Sad indeed! The Video is so true though and people still are not aware of how they are being murdered!

You’ve made a very good point, there’s enough evidence that folks really have no logical reason to take any jab, thanks

50,000 Murdered the horror of it. It’s to imagine. The. Greed of man and level of Evil that some humans will do practally leaves me without the words to describe it. Mankind sadly is capable of making terribly bad choices! To chose evil over good is a bad choice! We will all be rewarded for our deeds wether good or Evil. Choose good. This is a test to see what we do with our free will! If we choose evil we fail and it will be our loss. Don’t think Yahuah is not watching and keeping records of our deeds because he is! Peace out. Finish Strong. Much love to all.

love your commentary Matty

Judaism secretly teaches Jews that when their Messiah arrives all non-Jews will be completely enslaved and exterminated. rn"Global warming" and "zero carbon emissions" = depopulation of the common people. rn100% of what we pay in personal federal income tax goes to pay just the bare interest on the national debt –see Ronald Reagan’s Grace commission report. This is how the Rothschilds have enslaved us.

This video does not make sense. The evil people who are attacking us are JEWS !

October 4th emergency broadcast. Just in case stay away from all devices phones computers I pads television’s radios ! Just in case they use 18 GH to activate malbrerg? Cheers

There were many more websites available to researchers back in about 2005 which you cannot find today no matter how hard you try. For example, are you able to view the website ? I don’t know if the website no longer exists or if I am somehow being blocked from viewing

I believe that it was Jews who began promoting the flat earth baloney on the Internet in order to justify their censorship.

Judaism secretly teaches Jews that when their Messiah arrives all non-Jews will be completely enslaved and exterminated. "Global warming" and "zero carbon emissions" = depopulation of the common people. 100% of what we pay in personal federal income tax goes to pay just the bare interest on the national debt –see Ronald Reagan’s Grace commission report. This is how the Rothschilds have enslaved us.

To understand how the function of germ warfare agents, a quick death means the illness is contained and localized without intervention by civil or foreign military agencies, and no disclosure needed. Covid seems like nothing more than some cross-contamination of Graphene Oxide that produces micro bloodclots from nano-hemoraging when the host is exposed to millimetre-wave radiation which is jurisdiction of Derpartment of Energy not FCC.

is there such thing as a Crypto Gift Card?

You forgot all your piss and vinegar. Either way I am over you.

Thank you for letting me temporarily hijack this thread Matty. This is what you banned me for Jason. I never said your were an idiot. "Those who refuse to look into the factual evidence of the non-existence of Germ Theory/contagion are the ones smoking crack. Conjecture and coincidence is fine, but without controls to validate the assumption, it’s just that, an assumption without empirical evidence. Assumptions are not facts. Communicability is not contagious, it’s influential. Antoine Bechamp, Gaston Naessens, and many more have totally refuted Germ theory a long time ago, but there’s no $$ to be made in health, because health is not part of the bigger picture: disease is, there’s more $$ to be made treating the cash cow. At the same time, no contagious pathogen of any type has ever been identified, extracted, isolated and characterized as a contagious anything in accordance with Koch’s Postulates, and that only the 1st postulate. It’s never been done. You can’t complete postulates 2 through 4 if you can’t complete #1, and no one ever has. Here’s the evidence. edit deletern• rnjbossman008 14 hours agornlol lol lol ok buddy. This evidence is for people with eyes to see and ears to hear.rnreplyrno rnFlatInNH 3 minutes agornI hope you are one of them.rnrn


ROPES AND TREES READY FOR THOSE THAT REALLY DESERVE IT … 5 And surely I will require the life of any man or beast by whose hand your lifeblood is shed. I will demand an accounting from anyone who takes the life of his fellow man: 6 Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man his blood will be shed; for in His own image God has made mankind. GENESIS 9: 5-6 MUCH LOVE TO JASON AND HIS FAMILY AND TO 153 NEWS EXTENDED FAMILY

it’s okay

Love you brother.