
I don’t know what his real name was - nor if he was aware of what was happening - but, he wasn’t an in-patient, in any hospital, at the time - so why was he dressed up in Greco/Roman, ’toga-like’, hospital clothing for the photo? Why would the first recipient be called, Will I Am Shakespeare - ’Shakes-Spear’, being, ’Pallas Athena of the Shaking Spear’, aka, ’Britania’. The British aristos, btw, refer to themselves as, ’Olympians’. This poor old man (may he RIP), most probably, was chosen because he was already confused and had no family to defend him. It was a major part of the hoax...or spell - take your pick. Optics, lies and deceit of the judeo/masonic cult/sect.

Sorry to hear that you’re having such difficulties. For people old enough to remember the 1982 round of layoffs, the auto workers were guaranteed close to 85% pay by Uncle Sam, if I recall correctly. The average laid-off person in my area were about to lose their houses. They lost all respect for autoworkers, when one fellow (a minority) was interviewed on the news, complaining that his wife worked at Briggs and Stratton, and he didn’t know what they would do if she got laid off also.rnI did notice your absence recently, but I envisioned you laying on a tropical beach somewhere with a dark tan, ah... (feet) in the sand, with a cold one. This is not a good time for a career, retirement suits me fine. I am however, going on an epic journey in a couple weeks. Going to eat some of the finest sh...teaks you’ve ever seen.

Exactly, times have changed for the worse since this survey. One of these fellow travelers yelled "F Morrocco". In one of my previous videos, many were from Senegal. I wonder how black Americans feel about this invasion. The same folks controlling the legal system and the media, and the U.S. government, are high on the list of those responsible. (that’s meant to be humorous)

A name for a complete and utterly useless traitor who makes his living off exposing things.

Sorry about that RB, I’ve been busy after a hiatus from work, and after starting back up again I got laid off of 2nd shift because GM workers don’t make enough money and now they have to strike, the Communists are in control of the labor unions striking as many places as they can in addition to the Government shutdown and illegal aliens from every corner of the earth blah blah blah, building back better this Socialist Marxist state to impoverish the majority of citizens here as Rosa Koire made quite clear in her speeches. Thumbs up even if they try to pull their heads out of their rectums they still have a shitty outlook. The majority of people where I work are foreigners and the Muslims take their prayer rugs out on the main floor take their shoes off and pray due east to Mecca, but the company says diversity matters, I say diversity is perversity.

The thing is that, in the past, those views were valid and, without knowing the actual wording of the questions, people may be responding to the way they were brought up. Emigrants/Immigrants built America, as we knew it (many of them displaced, or escaping from persecution in Europe) - but, they all went there to build lives for themselves and their families. In a recent video, here, on 153news, many of these young men seem to be Senegalese. Senegal is a, West African, French enclave. They speak French, not English - so, how are they getting across the Atlantic? Invasion, on this scale requires ships with berths - small cruise ships...and recruiting agencies. Who is recruiting them and paying their passage?

Sometimes it’s very hard to choose intriguing background music to make a video interesting, and I usually stay away from Poles and surveys because of the prevalence of lies in current times, but these numbers fit what we are seeing. Most will agree, and I would bet, that people just don’t think as well as our ancestors. How bad can it get? really bad, would be my follow up bet, If I was a gambler.

Yes we are, and it fits in perfectly with the lyrics.

We’re getting to that point, and right quick.

Thumb up their asses to wake up to the systematic degradation of Europe and America with losers to weaken those continents for WEF takeover.

I don’t understand this one....


have you paid pozner yet??

Invasion, by any other name

Sadly that`s all we have at our disposal, as the treasonous cops /Stassi and armed forcewhores .The latter are training and housing our "replacements" and prison guards ,and have -barring a miracle- have made it abundantly clear where THEY stand.

Anarchy/volutaryism is that in between she says doesn’t exist. Demonocracy has to go.

Ain’t no food upon the table ain’t pork up in the the pan, but you better not complain boy, you get in trouble with the man.

Nope, only European heritage countries are the blessed few. It looks like my idea of polling watchers of this video isn’t working. Only three "votes" in 135 views so far. Maybe the majority of viewers aren’t signed up, thus unable to participate?

I doubt all those lumps were headed towards the open arms of Israel.

What is a Peekay ?