
I will have mine off as well, if it’s the big one I will stick my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye, many are saying that this signal could activate the graphene oxide in those that took the jab and of course they wouldn’t be aware of it and it could possibly create the scenario that Bill and Melinda Gates spoke of when they said with smile’s on their faces that the next one would really get attention. I don’t know one way or another what will happen, but I do not trust anything this evil Government presents, neither do I trust TruNews. PS, Rick Wiles of TruNews I lump in the same category as Donald Trump and Jim Baker, that’s not to say that I disagree with everything he presents, all the New Age Preachers talk about the end of the world and survivalism, I could be wrong about him but I see him as another one or the controlled opposition plants just like Alex Jones and so many others, the counterfeit religions will be apart of the End Times Masquerade. Rick Wiles also claimed he was hospitalized for a covid related illness, that’s a BIG RED FLAG right there.

zionist county music got lots of white people killed in a hoax war for rich zionist jews laughing their asses off in their lodges.

zionists run country music. they do. also the south is philosemeitc. the adl says they are racist ect but its the opposite southern people are brainwashed jewlovers. totally against their personal interests and how they have been portrayed in jewfaggotrymedia as racists and nazis.

Pretty good stuff. Wonder how many American lives and limbs have been lost to Zionist propaganda and zionist country music.

I was almost relieved when they were supposedly targeting wealthy areas but in retrospect its obvious these Jews are impersonating whites and calling in airstrikes on their own position and then high tailing it to Israel. Man these Christians love lots of lumps. How many? I want a whole lotta lumps.

I think this channel is great.

Might be a good idea to look into this Hugo Talks. Remember most opposition is controlled or intelligence.

That’s a happy wee bairn, in that pram.

Don’t forget the peripherals, gas masks, helmets, gloves, night vision, etc., etc., etc.rnAn AR-6 Stinger II Tactical Repeating Crossbow seems like a very good idea....?

That might be a time for some R+R, i.e., Rounds @ Refugees. Annie get your gun.

This is the Mariel boatlift many times over and nonstop, many people in America cannot envision a time when there will be a Mad Max scenario, but I can see it coming all too clear, as soon as food becomes less available, and people can no longer afford whatever is left, all hell will break lose, and it will be every man for himself, and there will be roving bands of criminals that will prey upon the weak.

4:30 "The level of virtue signalling is incredible these days". You are not kidding. I just went to the Frito Lay site to read-up on their using human fetus biproducts in their food and the entire website is an "aren’t we the most wonderful corporation in the world" marketing campaign. Constant showing their "no emission" vehicles. black-skinned employees. They proudly advertise that they offer mental health services to their employees. And on and on. The no emissions. Electric vehicles. If they do for the earth what technology has done for humanity and what voodoo infestation rn has done for business and societies across the plain then we’ll be a burned-out, void wasteland in two years.

Globalitarian did she just coin that. I know that the voodoos will never stand with humans in a fight for freedom. I don’t know if they’ll come out on top or if the synagogue of satan feels that they’re just easier to handle or if the voodoos are behind all masonry and the vatican. The do show TRUTH in plain sight and the Li’l NAS video clearly shows that satan IS an african. So, sure, the Snoggy Stans need to be handled and the usual suspects but these creatures on the streets lootings, pimping, drug-dealing poison to the masses, raping, pushing the voodoo shit. If the Frito Lay PepsiCo is still in business when the smoke clears and the Masons incl. the Prince Hall masons still have coven to go to, then the war wasn’t won. It was just made to appear that the bad guys have been defeated. If they’re still pushing voodoo so-called music every square inch of the earth and one can not pump gas without a tv screen turning on and violating the peaceful sound of the enginges coming and going with a cacaphony of bullshit and nonsense and bullshit. Then it is meet the new boss, worse than the old boss. The local gas station has the screen. It comes on when one pumps gas and one of the clips is white-skinned cowboys leaving a campsight and a voodoo female has to come to tell them do not be a bunch of dumb cracker-ass mutha f ers. Put that fire out before you leave. How did the white folk ever survive without voodoo oversight.

SideT, we need to show them to the sheeple. We already know but we must show them so they have to be documented otherwise the videos are pretty pointless and a waste of time, cyberspace and bandwith. You know better. We need stuff like Plasma did for the Boston Hoaxthon and I know it takes time and skill... but we need to do that otherwise we can’t use these videos. rn

That would make sense. Because how many people get their history from Hollywood movies. Historical movies and "based on a TRUE story". I got to attend junior high while the bullshit-based "Roots" mini-series was playing on television. Oh the joy of going to school with a bunch of voodoos that the night before were watching a voodoo chased through the woods and shackled and whipped and his foot cut-off and finally agreeing that his name is not "Kunte Kinte" but rather "Toby". Yes, and it was all TRUE because it’s right there on the television! I remember my ancestors in the mid eighteen hundreds getting starved out of Ireland and their property stolen and saying, "fuck-it. Let’s build a ship, go to africa, get some africans and bring them to the united states. and then we’ll fight for the north to end slavery and when we need an inside job we’ll just get Albert Pike, the southern General and freemason to do things like kill Stonewall Jackson by friendly fire. (It was dark! I thought it was General Grant!) Oh, the ever present hidden hand.

No, Neil Pert of Rush wrote those lines. All the world’s indeed a stagernAnd we are merely playersrnPerformers and portrayersrnEach another’s audiencernOutside the gilded cagernrn

He left an incredible body of work. Didn’t he (or they if it was Francis Bacon and a group of writers") coin that wonderful phrase, "something is rotten in the state of Denmark." Funny. Did he die just when the writer’s strike was over! How unfortunate. The excitement of getting back to work and creating more excrement for the masses. Yeah, all of his leading ladies were men-in-drag, too. Just like Hollywood and all this women on the world’s stage! They’re ALL men. All the girl power, abortion advocates, feminists, leading ladies, first ladies, female wrestlers, women’s tennis,...I just caught an old video from MrE (transpocalypse now or apocalypse_watchman) and the first line was, "the united states men’s soccer team just won the women’s soccer championship!" and they don’t seem ashamed. I’ll never forget the image of Bette Midler, some gay dude and Nicole Kidman running around the corner of the house towards the camera in stepford wives. I didn’t realize Nicole Kidman was such a formidably built man! You’d have thought Bronko Nagurski had been resurrected from the dead. { Bronislau "Bronko" Nagurski was a Canadian-born professional American football fullback and offensive tackle who played in the National Football League, renowned for his strength and size. Nagurski was also a successful professional wrestler, recognized as a multiple-time World Heavyweight Champion.} What does it have to do with William Shakespeare’s death. Well, he was the one dictating that all women be played by men on this world’s stage. Now that he suddenly died after taking the vaccine (not a vaccine related death, I remind you) perhaps women can start getting parts on the world’s stage other than getting punched in the face by hordes of voodoos roaming the streets looking for ways to be victimized. For the greater good. Build it back "better". Donate to Lahaina victims. The voodoo mtf tranny Oprah is collecting money and will see that it gets distributed to the right folks.Oh, and dude that was a guest on Brian Staveley’s Dose of Reality last night. I don’t think Denzel Washington is the one that said "if you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed and if you read the paper you’re misinformed." I’d always seen Mark Twain credited with that phrase. I think Denzel Washington’s famous quote was, "I went into my dressing room and summoned demons into me before I played the car scene in training day. I couldn’t act that scene. Those were the demons in me acting it." And the black christian girl exposing the evil of hollywood says, "Yeah, but he did a really good job." Can a voodoo be a christian? Can a mason be a christian? Will I ever get out of this Lazyboy recliner and go do something with my life?

I use that particular scripture myself along with the one where God breathed the breath of life into the nostrils of Adam but that hasn’t stopped people from covering up their faces and restricting their air flow and breathing in their own waste that they have excreted into their masks.

It is interesting to speculate on how those behind all this lying propaganda convince these players to cooperate. Once in a while they throw one under the buss, (Bob Menendez) so the others don’t get any ideas of doing the right thing.

I had to comment on the Senator Bob Menendez clip you showed here, this is one of the worst lying thieving corrupt sexually deviant Senator’s out there trying to save his Democracy and he is amongst many others just like himself.