
So, what is it and who has to die? Is it a placebo; a harmless mist made to look deadly? Did they go through the whole city? Did they avoid Harlem? Did they only drive down two blocks and have their co-conspirator film them with the announcement? Could someone have killed the people in the last vehicle. Is their a cohesive group of humans in that neighborhood that can call each other and organize a defense. Do we think that if we DON’T fight that we’re going to come out on the other side still with our possessions? If not, where’s the cut-off. How high in masonry and the beast church of rome do you have to be to be spared? Are the africans behind this whole upheaval. They seem to be the ones most-benefiting from it. Spare the vaccination, we’re told, then shipped all over the world. We were told when we google searched demographics prior to this madness of late 2019-early 2020 that the african species would go from 17 to 40 percent of the earth’s population. One wondered what would have to occur for that to come TRUE. I don’t think I could get away with stealing a grape from a local store but the voodoos put all downtown san francisco out of business with encouragement from the police and government. They seem to be spreading everywhere like that fast spreading cancer and blood clots or the vaccination. Kind of as-above-so-below. Like, what’s happening to the healthy bodies that took the vaccination is what’s happening to the earth realm that becomes infested with voodoo. And the big mystery, why do zionists and voodoos seem to be working towards the same goal? Can they not compete with humans on an even playing field? Are the zionists upset that human communities would kick them out of their villages when they found that the humans disapproved of having the children raped and their means of exchange co-opted by the synagogue of satan. Are the voodoos a creation of scientists. The golem that the snoggy stans brag about having created to destroy humans? For fifty years women were pushed into abortion and families destroyed but now they say they’ve overturned abortion laws. Now that babies will have poison from the vaxx and now that they’re infesting humanity with rapists and thieves and murderers. Do I need to get out more? Do I fight? Do I stay home and read the Bible? Do I go to the local bar and casino and break the televisions on football sunday and scream, "Wake up, they’re here!" Koepernick is being pushed on google search-page-bullshit-news and that creature seems to only get pulled out when it’s time for more "racial" strife. They’re flipping it soon. All the evil voodoos do will be attributed to humans, the military will soon be run by voodoos, and the united states TRUE purpose will be revealed as the enemy of humanity and the brain child of satan and his voodoo hordes that have been running it through masonry and the hidden hand since its inception. The same hidden hand in so many old photographs and paintings that Napolean made famous, is being sported by a voodoo in a painting of George Washington and his family (incl. cross-dresser "Martha"). The voodoo that is surely Washington’s handler acting as a butler or slave.

It’s up to you to make the change, don’t wait for someone to give you a job

You should have known better before going to college. Does it makes sense to get yourself in huge debt and the best you can get is a job 9-5 for the rest of your life? It does not matter how much money you make if someone tells you what to do everyday, and you can’t have any freedom.’s not about NATO. (Amazes me that these clowns can even read the script.)

The US would be way over a billion people now had we not been killing our kids in the name of Moloch day after day.

Well if the United States hadnt killed off nearly 70 million babies since Roe vs Wade people wouldn’t be crying about being a minority. 2 simple Bible commandments exist in the first words of the Scriptures....Be Fruitful and Multiply. So now people are crying about being a minority when we we killed off all our people. If you want to grow as a humanity, stop killing off the babies, stop injecting people with poison, get rid of the GMOS in the foods and start reading your Scriptures and applying them to your lives. People can show one race or another being a minority but nobody sees that the minority is killing off the majority. This isn’t a skin color thing, this is a demon ridden thing.

White and STRAIGHT



There is great power in simply saying "No". Social media has so conditioned the masses to live their lives for the approval and acceptance of others, that they have a very difficult time simply telling others "No".

Jimmy Fallon is a company cuck. Never an original thought. Just pushing the main stream narrative all the time. And don’t forget he was pushing the vaccine the whole time. What a fucking loser.

An honest dose of reality.

Good for you! Same here...dumped Trump....jab free. I don’t participate in lunacy anymore

The Greek word "pharmakeia" in the Bible is translated spiritism.

We saw the same thing in China when they sprayed to halt the spread of the fake Wuhan Covid Virus.

Unless it’s surveillance ballons from China, and of course they will share all of this with their allies, there won’t be a place they can’t touch.

I agree, this particular video would not be for the seasoned reseacher like yourself but the...... Hmmm, let’s say "Awakened By Covid Shock" with along way to go.

Yes most likely fake. If you see the interviews these people have clearly been fed lines, the girl has a hard time not smiling too much. Now they even drag the king there to sympathize. The fire inside the building is really unconvincing and looks definitely staged (including the person filming it lol). The most important marker for me is that they paint the ’killer’ as an animal torturer and lying nude in his garden on a heap of leaves and THEN they say ’oh he’s also a member of FvD (Forum for Democracy, a right-wing party gaining much popularity in NL). They always do this when elections are coming up (11/22 elections in NL, hey that’s 33 added up..). FvD clearly is playing the karma part (telling us a lot of truth, but then taking a fall before elections so as not to gain too much credibility).

As always OMG ,nice to accompany you on these confirming and reassuring walk`n`talks. Whilst it`s been something of a nightmare the past few years ,I can honestly say that I`ve never questioned the stance I`ve taken . ESPECIALLY when eyeballing the clueless satanic slave muzzled face diapered zombies. ( is that phase about to kick off . Have a gander at CELL , that movie really puts their game plan in one`s face ). For me however ,the greatest disappointment are those who KNOW what`s going down ,but have chosen to insert their heads where the sun doesn`t shine .Thinking -erroneously - that things are back to "normal" Man !! are they in for a surprise Even if one choses to believe that fairy tail ,the ongoing and massively ramped up geoengineering programmes are silently destroying ALL forms of life AND bringing about the all too obvious horrendous weather warfare attacks around the "globe". Oh and let`s not forget their latest" toy " DEW`s Directed Energy Weapons, recently deployed in Maui and Libya And in retrospect 911 bears all the hallmarks of such attacks. So yeah mate ,PLEASE keep on keeping on with your encouraging blethers to we grunts on the ground. PS What`s your four legged`s name ? I find animals ( by and large) FAR better company than the two legged variety . Thanks again pal

Is it so hard to say in the description which date, which commission and where, this took place? Geez