
Good video, seen numerous ones on this site and they deserve more likes, including this one.

In my experience, when something is advertised like this, NOTHING happens. I believe It’s a psyop/test to see how people react to the hype, for future use.

I didn’t have that information available, but I looked it up and added it in for you.

Truesay!! James 1.27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Is Biden choking on semen again

Mandates! I was part of an antique store co op type thing. I questioned the owners and a couple other people. What’s a mandate? The government doesn’t mandate TO the masses they get a mandate FROM the masses! The governor can mandate to DMV to do something, not to the public. And they wouldn’t fight! They asked me to clear out my space and leave. And all the propaganda about the rugged individualism American. Don’t tread on me. I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free. Boule negroes, will telle what to do, where to go and how high to jump cuz I’m amuhrikan! I done shot depleted radiation rounds at Iraqi children.

It’s TRUE. It’s like a Bruce Willis Die Hard movie. Remember the smooth talker trying to schmooze with Hans Gruber and Bruce Willis was telling him , get away. And Gruber shot him in the head. And the voodoo hive mind doesn’t allow for independent thought. The Kabal brought the Africans over JUST FOR THIS PURPOSE. They are the ultimate sleeper cell. They stifled an attempt by humans to fight for their freedom during the whiskey rebellion. They avoided wars. Every invention and comfort they enjoy is due to some other species. But, because they are soulless the CAN okay the "by any means necessary" and they have no conscience or soul to check it. I mean, they’re cutting off our children’s penises! They aborted millions of our children and feed them back to us in Frito lay and Pepsi products and ...? There were two monstrous cross dressing baboons raising a little humans baby girl.

So lovely to see you on here Hugo!! God bless you brother +

Another that needs to be killed sooner rather than later. Play time is over. They’re raping and murdering. Italy and France, Sweden all over run. Even Romania has voodoos infesting

And eating bugs. Boy, if there’s one thing I thought humans would resist it’s eating insects. This truly is mass hypnotism. Well, if you can get a human female to murder her own offspring, then you can get people to eat bugs.

Yes. But someone put that thought in their mind. I think the voodoo music and who knows what, something destroyed the female mind and turned millions of men queer. But ultimately it IS all because they turned their back on God and TRUTH. I notice that. Those that deny Jesus Christ and the creator seem to fall for lies and deception. If your not with Jesus Christ you’re with the enemy. I feel for this young man and all the women being raped and beat up by these creatures.

Still, it’s not unreasonable to think an employer would want a qualified person. I remembery dad getting dropped with thousands of other sears roebuck employees because the n words. It’s the greatest battle tactic in the history of warfare. The Wah Wah crybaby, I’m a victim and I’m too stupid to compete on an even playing field tactic. The spoiled brat tactic. And it was better than Patton, Rommel, Napoleon, even Genghis Khan or Alexander the great pale next to the cry baby-victim tactic. Ganging up on hand and not allowing them to retaliate or defend themselves is a good one too. And the millions of hoax voodoo victims.on tv. George Floyd! Hoax, they’re so transparent but boy, homosexuals and women just buy up the cry baby victim act.

Humans all think differently which is good. We aren’t drones. But I. This case these voodoos are a hive mind. No matter the language or country or what, they ALL are programmed to do Satan’s will. And they couldn’t do it without the white niggers of the Vatican, masonry, Zionism, homosexual cults and all the covens and filth that non voodoos join.

And now, two of these vile sodomites voodoos in charge of the u.s. military. Think about it. The most soulless, vile, uncaring, antichrist creature Satan ever created to be in charge of the strongest military in the world. Every non voodoo that is swarming these creatures in to human lands is a traitor or soindfucked.

Blah, blah, blah, who cares?

They are a parasite. They hold a single that they matter because it’s the only way to try and convince others that they matter. You don’t see a German or Japanese engineer having to try and convince people they matter, just look at the product of their labor. I was a child of less than ten when a fale voodoo got on television and said that the voodoos would take over the white hans by meams of their women. And boy, you see it. Masons too for some reason hate their own species. Jesuits, Zionists, they’re all against humans. I think they hate TRUTH. And they get other "colored" species to go along with them. Sure, the voodoos give a. Rap about Asians and Latinos.

i thank jboss for allowing me to say this

I will have mine off as well, if it’s the big one I will stick my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye, many are saying that this signal could activate the graphene oxide in those that took the jab and of course they wouldn’t be aware of it and it could possibly create the scenario that Bill and Melinda Gates spoke of when they said with smile’s on their faces that the next one would really get attention. I don’t know one way or another what will happen, but I do not trust anything this evil Government presents, neither do I trust TruNews. PS, Rick Wiles of TruNews I lump in the same category as Donald Trump and Jim Baker, that’s not to say that I disagree with everything he presents, all the New Age Preachers talk about the end of the world and survivalism, I could be wrong about him but I see him as another one or the controlled opposition plants just like Alex Jones and so many others, the counterfeit religions will be apart of the End Times Masquerade. Rick Wiles also claimed he was hospitalized for a covid related illness, that’s a BIG RED FLAG right there.

zionist county music got lots of white people killed in a hoax war for rich zionist jews laughing their asses off in their lodges.

zionists run country music. they do. also the south is philosemeitc. the adl says they are racist ect but its the opposite southern people are brainwashed jewlovers. totally against their personal interests and how they have been portrayed in jewfaggotrymedia as racists and nazis.