
He also failed to mention anything about seeing any victims because just like the fake school shootings there weren’t any .

I have found it I will try to find the link or post a video.

I still remember a video report of a journalist on the ground in front of the Pentagon stating there was no debris from a plane, nothing. That’s a difficult video to find these days, but is very telling.

I feel like a lot of this information is made up and their speculation is silly.

Many believe he was taken out for being a whistle blower, his them wife said the were starving him in the hospital, where he did eventually die.

Link is not working but it will take you to internet archive, then type in Major Albert Stubblebine no plane hit Pentagon, this is the 2nd interview there are several.

Excellent video of one of the very few true American heroes .

I tried to type in at the archive site, but couldn’t find the full video. There’s 5 or so different categories we can search under, so not sure which one is the right one to search under.

Thank you for posting this. Downloaded.

I am translating and subbing this plus the video where rumsfeld walks with plane debris as soon as i am done translating and subbing video nr 393 of 582 of the Pulse saga. This is HISTW famous phone call to the police dept. As soon as i am done with histw i will jump on this video. Excellent truthers rock, excellent video!!!!

There is a famous video by Lear jr. The son of john lear the flight testing pioneer i remember like yesterday when he said: i am a no planer. That is a video that should be here on 153 imo.


Divide and conquer, and they are going to do what ever they want to do and the rightful citizens be damned, we saw the same thing in Lahaina, and this is going to continue till there is a race war with multiple factions involved.

Very good - thank you. I show people this stuff and they just don’t understand the magnitude of it. They liken these lies to fucking ’Partygate’ like that was a serious crime. In fact, that story gets the full treatment. Haul him over the coals cos he didn’t wear a fuckng mask or social distance enough. Crime of the fucking century. I don’t know what to say anymore, it’s just, well. I don’t know what to say. Words fail me...

MAN !! does this guy waffle and ramble . YET, I can`t bring myself to dislike him. UNLIKE his damned irritating mutt. As for believing that he`s involved in some sort of "video game " and divorced from this rapidly evolving 666 nightmare , I wish him well on that one.

The seal on the podium says it all: Incorporated on such and such a date. It’s ALL corporate. If the Alderman ultimately doesn’t "toe the line." he’ll be out of a job.

Just another crock.....

The video filmed from the parking gate said it all no plans but a missle ..fired by china (usa) is the new story soon

He right bout one thing. If I was devil would would not change a thing! Bible calls the Devil the Master Deciever!! We given free will to do good or evil! Not graded on how rich we got in this life! Did you love your neighbour as your self? Did we follow his roadmap. Did we love people? Did we love truth or did we love lies? Call on the Creator His name is Yahuah it is Hebrew and means Yah the Ever existent one. Seek him with your whole heart and you will find him. Cheers.

Look at all the liars ..hang them all