
Kinda makes you feel like emigrating to a place soon to have free housing and lots of jobs available. If you want to live under a nazi regime, that is.

Reminds me of my avatar...

Can`t bring myself to listen to this lying bollocks. It`s always the SAME dusted down script from all the other lousy manufactured "terrorist atrocities ", It`s not as if they put any energy or effort into this crap ,for the dumbed down gullible morons that continue to swallow it ,hook line and sinker . Incidentally , their so called "Iron Dome" defence system was brilliantly exposed by some brave Israeli`s some years back as completely useless.

GREAT !! these crappy crisis actwhores are back in town. Used to always bring a smile to my face back in the good ol days of almost daily fake "terrorist" attacks . This loathsome witch is carrying on this poxy tradition in style.

These pint sized feminazi dominated media whores, really are the dregs of the spews networks these days. Was that building not bombed some years ago ??

What utter CRAP !. How dumb do they think we are ? . NO don`t answer that

FAKE AS F**K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great video. And I’m not shocked the media gets caught lying every day.

So fake, and this lady needs to be locked in jail, just like the rest of the Muppets.

Paul was a complete false disciple. He was a pharisee by his own words. He made up laws outside of the laws of God. This fake disciple who never ever saw Jesus by more than his own words and then you have 3 different accounts of what anyone saw or heard. Some saw a light, some saw nothing. The book of Acts has 3 different accounts by Pauls own words. That makes Paul a terrible witness. Then according to Paul a widow has to be 60 years old, has to be qualified, and there is an entire set of laws of Paul that violate the Torah he should be upholding. Christians have taken Paul over God and the grace doctrine is sick compared to what 7/8s of the rest of the Bible says. The books of Paul should be tossed out of Scriptures. His letters are to a people not us and people make a sick doctrine out of it. You can keep your grace doctrine bro. To anyone that ever reads Scriptures Paul is 180 degrees backwards.

Yes Paul is a treasonous disciple who now all of Christianity worship. They take Pauls laws over Gods laws and they eat their pig to their demise. It’s to bad people, especially Uncle Alice don’t read their Scriptures. They could be on God’s side instead of Satan’s. Keep on skipping this place Uncle. There are other places to indoctrinate with lies in Scriptures. Matthew 7 clearly says those who are lawless end up in hell. But just don’t read the full Scriptures do ya? Well back to your bacon and lawless life UNC.

They’re all irritating

We don’t want to be in it. If we did we could just go swimming in a septic tank or if we really hated ourselves that much we could put on a Prince album and all turn into flaming faggots.

He’s doing a great job. I woulda thought klause was higher in the pile of shit pyramid that Judas Trump but boy, when Trump told the spineless drone media that Klaus was doing a great job Klaus looked like a little child whose dad had just praised him. And then they brought the African congregation out and Klaus and Trump fell to their knees and orally copulated them like Putin and the pope do.

At this point anyone still taking the shot has got to be commiting suicide. No worry that those dying of Bill Gates shit having their home lay vacant because plenty of voodoos and enemy combatants coming in to take the homes. My question is, did they really vaccinate all the snoggy Stans occupying Palestine or is that a hoax like all the voodoo victim shit they sell while the voodoos are 100% perpetrators with the masons Jesuits Zionists homosexuals...did they get vaxx’d, which would mean that the Zionists are NOT on the same side as their citizens and if they ARE NOT vaxx’d then they pulled off another huge deception. And then, when humans are all dead and the voodoos and Muslims occupy the earth, then what. Let it go for a while. Kill them off. Are the Africans really in charge. And what is beyond Antarctica.? They said before the cv hoax that Africans would go from 17 to 40 percent of the population. How’d they know so many humans would fall for the vaxx. They the most transparentky-fake theater and everytime the TV watchers buy it up. Crazy.

They’re doing it with the voodoos all over the world. Housing them in black rock homes. I know all these voodoos didnt save up their money and all decide to move to a town that had no voodoos in the history of humanity and now they’re everywhere and other creatures too suddenly own the gas stations. COVID hoax was the blitzkrieg and all this is the infantry and ground and air attack. While our protectors, the cops, politicians,.educators, public works, are all in the nigger hive mind that is masonry. Humans, christians and heterosexuals have no protector.and most gun owners wear the muzzle and watch television, sports and vote, so cannot count on them.

"Get to safety". She is in the f’n studio!

Missile strike? Missiles! How can they PISSIBLY get away with a bullshit story like this! Well, the voodoos are the most evil , violent creature on earth and they’ve sold them as victims and now they’ll be in charge of the u.s. military so if they can sell that then they can sell ice to eskimoes. Incredible. Sad that we will probably never be able to see any snoggy Stans get payback for bombing the u.s. liberty and the thousands of years of backstabbing evil they’ve done. And the African voodoo so happy to go along with the bullshit. The voodoos and synagogue of Satan I get, they’re wire by Satan, their creator, to be evil , but the weak-willed, spineless sellout humans that join freemasonry and sell out their entire species and all TRUTH and compassion for a couple pieces of silver. That’s unfair. Albert Pike is the perfect example of a mason. He is a general in the Confederate army working every minute of the day to betray the side he is pretending to support. That’s exactly like TRUMP on January 6. That tranny queer maggot stirred up his retarded followers and threw them under the bus. And all of humanity. It would sure be nice to get through to those other lands beyond Antarctica and maybe get help to send these voodoos back to hell and the snoggy Stans, too.

Utterly hilarious!

Damn evil Palestinians, ha ha well that’s what these evil Zionist Jews would have you believe along with the evil MSM lying their ass off as usual.