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Artemis Delay: Number Two

Africa-Press – Liberia. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – NASA’s decision to cancel its almost half-a billion-dollar Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) project puts the entire Artemis Program to land US astronauts on the moon for the first time in five and a half decades at risk, analysts told Sputnik.

The US space agency announced earlier that it was pulling the plug on the already long-delayed, problem-plagued project that had been presented as a crucial preparation for the ambitious and also delayed manned Artemis missions to establish a permanent American base at the lunar South Pole.

Retired US Army Colonel Earl Rasmussen warned that NASA’s decision, which was presented as a cost-cutting measure to stay within the agency’s operating budget, put the entire Artemis program and vision at risk.

“I think the entire Artemis program is at risk,” Rasmussen, a political consultant and former vice president of the Eurasia Foundation said. “The rover and lander are key components. And both have technical, schedule, and cost challenges. Complex supply chains only complicated the situation more and increased overall risks.”

The Artemis Program now urgently needed a detailed review to include its objectives, team participants, technical challenges, schedule as well as costs, Rasmussen advised.

Cost issues were far from the only factors at work in the cancellation decision and the seriousness of supply chain production issues had not been sufficiently anticipated, Rasmussen observed.

“Perhaps cost is a driving factor: But I think there are many more we are not aware of; And that NASA may not be aware of. Multiple supply chain issues are potential indicators of hidden technical development challenges as well. The supply chain seems to be very complex, and a thorough examination needs to be taken of what are the underlying causes,” he said.

The VIPER Rover was already 18 months behind schedule when the cancellation was announced and more problems were likely before the Rover could ever become operational, Rasmussen explained.


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