
Chardon Ecossais can you tell us more thanks.

This is directed to flatinnh. Of course colds and flu exist: they are misdiagnosed by big pharma = go to a store buy some drugs that will alleviate the detox process. Overload of dead cells and debris = a bodily detox. . Via nose nasal lungs sweat urine all of the body is eliminating cleansing itself of dead cell debris even bottom of feet . IMHO people that work out jog etc. get rid of a lot of toxins via sweat glands. They are way more detoxed because of the body is working cooling itself and the sweat glands are a pathway for dead cell debris to be eliminated. I do not work out . Nobody ever talks about how much better the feel after the detox. thanks for the link flat, . There are more links videos but a person would need to be willing to view them actually invest some time and think in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.. We know this does not happen very often. Right now for anybody that really wants to bake their noodle = Why do women that are fertile that can still produce offspring synchronize menstruation cycles when placed in close enough proximity?

Notice how they wait until the cameras right on her before the bomb goes can’t go off when he’s talking right

Has she hit puberty yet? Looks like a 12 year old bad actor to me.

Israel and Palestine have been working together to fake all of this from day one. Twice the money. Even 60 Minutes did a piece on this showing them faking this. See Pallywood bitchute.

So true and both countries joined faking this to rob the idiots.

There is a bit more to see though. This is Israel playing both sides. Robbing money they’ve always done well.

Yes it is fake too. You forget who owns Hollywood. See Pallywood on bitchute. 60 Minutes covered Palestinians faking shooting, bodies on gurneys, back in early 2000s.

Israel has been joined with Palestine from the beginning. 60 Minutes did a piece showing Palestinians faking every bit. Pallywood bitchute. You get twice the money, something they’re excellent at, bilking others.


The true baby killers

Baby killers?

Here are the true baby killers

In the 1970s, there was no conflict in the Middle East...other than Israel. Religion was not an issue. Lebanon was the playground of the rich. Iraqi and Persian boys came to Scotland to get degrees and learn to be pilots. We were all friends.Then, suddenly, everything changed with the ’revolution’ in Persia/Iran. Then Lebanon got hammered (by Israel), despite being, for the most part, Turkey. All of this sectarian hatred has been engineered by the usual suspects.

Humanity didn’t do that. The aristocrats and merchants (by the name of Leveson, for example) did it. People were removed from their lands. In Scotland, up to 4500 people were burnt out, every day, during the Highland Clearances. They went to the textile mills or to the New World (America) as indentured servants...and let’s not talk about the British State deliberately starving the Irish peasantry whilst their ships were full of grain. And that wasn’t even all that long ago. It wasn’t, ’Humanity’. It was evil little creeps like him.

Believe the Talmud and collect your prize, an eternity of suffering with absolutely no hope.

Buildings in Scotland, from the 14th and 15th C, have ’Judaic’ and masonic carvings. What if, given the satanic inversion...we are the Hebrews - and they are evil usurpers?

Yes. All the munitions sent to the Ukraine (and lost, after 30 minutes, upon landing) and abandoned in Afganistan are going to show up in Europe...where we have hundreds of thousands of fighting aged (muslim) men housed in hotels, everywhere. I believe that it is called a, ’Fifth Column’, orchestrated by our own governments - with the blessing of the new, self-proclaimed, King of the World - Charles III.

From what I’ve seen and read this is very believable. By the way writing in all caps is actually harder to read than writing in upper and lower case.

I agree...and I agree with a lot of what you say. But, FEDERGELD1, it would be much easier to read what you have to say, if you say it in lower case - and just use capitals where appropriate or for emphasis. It is difficult to get to what you have to say because it is like someone SHOUTING IN YOUR EAR.