
It was the absolute worst done insider job I’ve seen. So poorly executed.rnrnÖversättrnrnrnÖversättrn

Doesn’t sound impossible at all, but yeah... no proof & no corroborating evidence. Could have taken some pictures, video, anything. Sounds like something government terrorists would & could do very easily, no doubt. Most people would probably just take the money and never look in the crates. If this is true, he fucked up and should never have let them involve him or his business. Sounds like a set up.

It’s not much evidence, only hearsay but it wouldn’t surprise me at all. They managed to set up literal 5G frequency weapons all around the United States without so much as a peep from anyone. So shipping containers? Sure, why not? what I want to know is what’s inside of them. This video isn’t saying much, but thanks for the info.

The problem is that YouTube is the majority and if you can’t exist at any niche at all without getting the auto detectors on you then the zombie people can never be awoken. Perhaps it was the title but at the end of the day is saying you shouldn’t be a Jew hate? The only shot at hooking the fish is on a large platform and if you can’t advise people not be a Jew, what’s the next censorship point. They might put chemtrail videos in their little future knowledge machine. Whatever the deal is, I got a +1 score for this one.

People are getting aggressive cancers at the age of 20 and below, stuff like this never happened to people 100 years ago, so who the hell is being turned into a God??? Somebody needs to stop this clown when he’s doing this repetitive spiel and actually ask these kinds of questions.

I love TOOL. rnI hate this fucking rat Yuval Noah Harari. Can’t even stand his voice.

The violation is right there in the title of your video, likely. "Why You Would Never Want To Be a Jew". Might not even be anything to do with the video itself. Tbh, I haven’t watched youtube in like 6 months, and I am in the process of removing/deleting all of my google related accounts. It’s trash. It’s the same to me as shopping at WAL-MART. You’re asking to be fed poison bullshit. I know you are very aware of this, but just sayin. lol. Your frustration is shared, believe me.rn

I am just some dude that accidentally was at the right place at the right time. My fight has always been for the future generations who will be inheriting extreme slavery in a mental, spiritual, and now physical level (covaids vax). It’s unfortunate but I ended up with an enormous pile of enemies as we have learned how to navigate some pretty deep waters. We are far deeper than I ever thought the powers that be would allow us to go. Maybe we are to small to matter but based on the targeted censorship worldwide, it seems like we definitely got their attention. Thanks for the comments.

Well the writing is on the wall the direction things are going. It’s a complete blackout of info and whats coming doesn’t look good. It truly is a war of good vs evil and the demons have us on the ropes. You are to kind my friend.

hey sis. Update your browser and if that doesn’t work, just clear the cache. If nothing works, explain more please.

fight the good fight brother. great song by triumph. i appreciate it. personally.

jason that was an awesome speech. i sent a link to my sister who is well off. she was accused in court in the united states of america of being a conspiracy theorist. like that has any legal weight it was comical but it happened. the level of incompetency is toxic.

every day i thank God personally that he inspired you to persist. satan has money and power and we struggle to exist. christians need to get that crusader spirit and they can and they will. they will transform into killers. effective and potent killers. sheep have rams. rams are bad ass. i know you are christian and i apologize for the language.

I got an alert from YouTube about 3 weeks ago saying some in our community are concerned about some of the comments you are making, blah blah blah, about hate speech. I often use the purple star of David when trying to bring attention to Zionist Jewish falsehoods without actually using the word Jew and they still saw fit to bring it to my attention. I don’t care I don’t even use a fake name or handle, maybe I should.

I have only been able to see one new video every 4 or 5 days for over two months. I have not changed any settings or done anything different. Does anyone have any idea why this is?

Hope these treasonous evil polishitian bastards are the first to be "dealt" with when the proxy armies are slipped the leash . I`d happily volunteer for execution detail

Consequences of the filthy feminazi agenda, and the detestable effect of "equality" and the blurring of role and distinction . Quite frankly these pseudo masculine hybrids deserve what`s coming their way. And why "men " allow these creatures to dominate over them ESPECIALLY in the cops and military ,is beyond me. It`ll certainly be interesting to see what happens when the immigrant invasion proxy forces are slipped the leash.

This is the problem when people decide to pretend to talk about what a book says when they have never read it. Just like you always going off on me when I explained how my family, on several occasions, all got sick. One individual left our little piece of paradise and ventured through the jungles, out to the roads and into a town. When that person came back, a few days later he got sick, then another family member got sick and we passed it on until we all got sick. You claim that didn’t happen and badger and attack my personal experiences. Now onto the book you haven’t read, won’t read, and laugh at. The entire old testament talks about leprosy and how to deal with a sickness that spreads. How it spreads, I don’t know but there are rules and regulations for identifying a person with it and secluding them from society until they get better or are put out permanently. Leprosy even spreads into a person’s homes where if they find it in a house and can’t get rid of it, they tear the house down and carry the blocks away from where they live. And there is no place where it says to keep your worship to yourself. More of your confusion and inability to read something prior to discussing it. So can someone with a cold give you a cold, yes, the transfer happens. How exactly, I don’t know but to put a blanket statement on things and guarantee they can’t happen when I have experienced it is insanity. Had I not experienced it, I would never say a word but this place is about truth, regardless of your opinions and so I will keep telling the truth of my experiences and maybe one day we will figure this all out.


I used to listen to the audio of "The Economist" years ago. Until, as with most self-help and science-based type audiobooks, I realized that for the most part, that all are laced with very subtle propaganda. They always seem to get around to explaining climate change and all the rest of the globalist ideas. Why not listen to these while you commute for two hours each day? Good idea for the bad guys. A captive audience willing to be programmed. What do you think?