

I used to listen to the audio of "The Economist" years ago. Until, as with most self-help and science-based type audiobooks, I realized that for the most part, that all are laced with very subtle propaganda. They always seem to get around to explaining climate change and all the rest of the globalist ideas. Why not listen to these while you commute for two hours each day? Good idea for the bad guys. A captive audience willing to be programmed. What do you think?

a good read was your response, and thankyou, i do appreciate it.

keeping an open mind is good, but lets not buy into everything thats on the net.

i dont buy it either just sharing, read more comments on the subject hear -

And I wouldn’t send my son if I had one. I have three daughters and there is no way. Thank you for the video.

I hate it when people hold back and beat around the bush.

Amen !

Thanks bluesky. I never said colds and flu don’t exist: the wannabe candy bar (Chonky) put those words in my mouth. What I have been saying all along is simply this: contagion is a myth, it makes money, and that’s the ONLY reason (that and FEAR) that it is still pushed as the mainstream narrative. If one takes the time to read and view everything in the Health folder link that I have posted here multiple times, and does it with a desire to learn truth, then you will come away with the same conclusion that I and ,many others have, and that is, if it were possible to catch, and then die from, a contagious disease, we would all be dead and there’d be no one alive to discuss it. Contagion is a myth. Drugs and chemicals do no good in helping the body to detox, in that they cover up the symptoms, making you think you’re better, when all you’re doing is preventing the body from doing what it does naturally. The body only needs food, water, sunshine, fresh air, exercise, rest, and a positive mental attitude. Dugs and chemicals do not help: they harm.

Jason: I NEVER called you a liar. YOU are the one name-calling here. I told you that your method of validating your illness was based on conjecture and speculation, not a scientific testing methodology based on testable, observable and repeatable. So where in your bible does it speak specifically, or even generally,, of contagion or contagious disease or vaccinations? I do not believe it does, and for one who preaches the word, you sure do seem to add and take away from it, something like not one jot or tittle, but you should know that if you’ve transcribed all 1.4 million words. I do believe there’s also a passage about keeping your worship to yourself instead of announcing it for all to see. Now you know why I have nothing to do with religion: it’s all belief, dogma and speculation.

LOL. I always gotta come back and watch this.

I grew up with guys like this, I think he did also.

the rothchilds love you subscribe to thieir magazine the "economist" and you will s33

I’ll give you a hell yeah, and your right about how corrupt this government is, so corrupt that they will abandon us all while they have fled to their bunkers, and it won’t be a meteor raining down on Americans but missiles from all the countries we have invaded and impoverished with weapons of war.

Incredibly well said.

Absolutely. I am extremely thankful for this platform and I direct everyone that can see through fake events to 153news. Thanks Jason.

Astro NOT.

Thanks, that’s nice to hear. The vast majority on gab are terminally retarded and believe every single hoax - I seldom receive any positive feedback.

I’ll have a double on the rocks! Ditto.

Sadly her grave is in the far left corner decorated like Mardi Gras. Her fake church members are up in the front. Her “dad” is the devil.