
Trust no man

Wow look at that haarp sky...I guess no one is safe anywhere thatz why it’s cold! Haarp is the climate change! Not natural weather but machine made haarp!

In the latest video posted Ted claims to be a Sheriff Deputy , which means most likely a freemason , since 1984 and he claims to be an expert on a whole list of mass shootings that he claims are real that have already proven to be 100% fake . Anyone actually looking for five minutes at the evidence on his shooting list would easily conclude they were staged with no victims . He is beyond a shadow of any doubt a cointelpro agent and a very good one at that .

That’s around the time period he claims he became a Sheriff Deputy . Definitely could be a connection .


Yes and soon .

Knew Mike Adam’s was another agent but I didn’t know of his Vegas connection or that he would ever go that deep . He has alot of people fooled just like his butt-buddy Alex Jones .

Bodies in gas chambers ???

He met with the Regan’s at the White house !

Exactly and doing a fantastic job at it .

Soooo … we should believe your description and you won’t show us the videos and photos because … ?

Everyone so critical of controlled opposition from one cannibal politically opposing other cannibals, isnt this the same ritual when Moses caste down his staff to become a serpent that would consume the other serpents? any evidence Ted Nuget is part of Fabian society? Issue i have is the "gun control" crowds are inconsistent with the idiom of the Legislatures and the Offices of Armiger when it comes to my natural right to keep and bear a fire arm cigarette lighter without a vending tube barrel "gun" they contradict of ever being mounted on my Citizenship: i just can’t liberally draw arts in a gun-less world since to call forth my hairbrush into the ink would be the armature inconsistent with the peacemeal efforts of liberating these civil threats from the mouths of the "gun free zone" advocates. cant we all just get a long rifle? blech

Lying SOS, He probably collaborated with The Health Ranger Mike Adams who claimed he mapped out all the bullet trajectories and mathematical equations at Las Vegas, and that shots also came from a helicopter.

Hope this sellout gets Cat Scratch Fever!

Totally agree.. Ted is selling the fake mass shootings to his right wing conservative groups.

Israel has aired the footage, but only to journalists, and no one else can see it. We have to take the word of this flunky. If you read the notes at the top, you will understand this.

There are no heroes out there . Anyone and everyone who has "made it" is a sellout bitch who sold their soul . This guy really let me down . I could have forgave the Trump support during his last campaign but the supporting of Israel and selling the fake shootings as real is totally unforgivable . Agent Theodore Anthony Nugent at your service ...

The title is VERY misleading. There is ZERO footage of the fake attack. You should change the title to "Israel REFUSES to air footage of fake Hamas atrocities"