
Any one a woke know this is a corporation we live in they sold us out years ago but remember Israel but you must always remember all roads lead to rome

Yea this is getting really big as we speak . 9:53pm and now up to 10 dead and 50 to 60 injured . What a freaking joke .

ABC = 33

3.39 for price of gasoline, not a coincidence 33 in your face, they have to show us who is responsible, it absolves them if any culpability in their own minds and that’s how they sleep at night. I will restate a quote from Denis Healey former member of Parliament and Finance Director in the UK." World events do not occur by accident, they are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce, and most of them are staged or managed by those that hold the purse strings. In almost every one of these mass casualty exercises, they have to send someone out all suited up in purple, everything is in your face.

Yes. Looks like this one might get national media attention. When the national news crews show up is when the crisis acting gets really bad and obvious.

Keep it going... thanks

exposure to millimetrewave radiation upto 60GHz causes lung tissue damage and is a serious health risk to anyone in the cities and beaches breathing oncoming fresh air that could be tainted with graphine oxide; jursidiction of this phenomina falls to the Department of Energy, not to the FCC with Ajit Pai durring the shutdown.

This is kind of odd. Shows tomorrow as the posting date. rnrn

Big money !

all the mass shootings are real, yes i know that: the key grips, cameras, actors and actresses: they were all there and make payroll for their shots. the costume and squibs experts need todo a better job but they all get paid for being there.

Governor early involvement and a shelter in place order . Two big red flags right there . AR15 ? Imagine that . Can’t wait to hear the end game on this crap .

There are UN soldiers here from just about every country, are forces are already stretched way too thin, if our soldiers over there get taken out or if they have heart attacks from all the juice injected in them then this could pave the way for a martial law takeover by the UN, we are in a precarious situation, but I think it’s all been planned, good bye America.

Those for sure but I was thinking more of the kind of sheep making comments in the video above on TikTok . Click the link above and see how these American pieces of shit are jumping up and down with excitement at just the mention of war . I hope a Chinese soldier happens to show up on each of their doors with a very dull bayonet .

These ignorant sheep will buy into anything as long as it comes from their Tell-lie-vision .

They are definitely good at what they do .

US - I got nukes. Israel- I got nukes. Palestine - I got a rock. Amazing how much damage the Palestinian Army is doing to those poor Israeli’s. What? They have no Army? Most of the world just reacts the way the media, all media, tells them to. The result of generations of brainwashing. I have no idea who owns and controls where our all information comes from or who controls the education system but they sure know what they’re doing. Gotta give them that....... whoever they are.

About a year ago I was seeing a lot of Ukraine flags in front of peoples homes. Recently I’ve seen a few israel flags, not as many but I’m thinking maybe they are just harder to get. Probably more expensive too. Funny how people are against an invasion and bombing of one place and all for an invasion and bombing of another.

Most of them will be heading for the.underground bunkers that the Sheeple don’t think exists.

Yes it is . I just pray that when the next world war comes it lands on the doorsteps of every single one of these American warmongering sheep screaming for foreign blood .

The United States is like that Bible verse of the Mystery Woman who said in her heart "I set a Queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow" Revelation 18:7