
Well said and spot on.

Yeah me too, I had to laugh when they brought out these two granny Jews dressed in purple saying they were taken through this maze of spiderweb tunnels by Hamas. Yeah they have tunnels everywhere under hospitals and Christian churches paving the way for Israel to blow up every inch of Palestine.

Same here. My brother is very active and I hear him wheezing more. He was running marathons and triathlons and he played a video of his little grand daughter who he was running behind and all I could hear was wheezing. It is heartbreaking.

They pre-empted blame for some of these vaxx injuries and will be continously blaming them on other things. The first one I noticed was the Camp LaJeaune cancer class action law suit. I have been getting emails for that every couple days for what seems like two years. So all the people whose family member died of the vaxx via cancer who had also at some point been stationed at camp lajeaune, they’ll join camp lajeaune lawsuit and perhaps not consider what is obviously the TRUE cause of the cancer. When my mom succumbed to the (what they called) very-rare-form-of-cancer my siblings blamed it on camp lajeaune. I told her not to get the shot and she got all three of them. I told her what Bill Gates said about killing the masses with vaccines and reproductive care and she did it anyway and very quick she had cervical cancer, brain tumours &tc... I think I heard early-on that children (young people) were having strokes because of the increase in marijuana usage. They’ll defer. Just like they’re distracting the take-over by the voodoos with this nonsense in Ukraine and now Palestine. The voodoos are evil, EVIL. EVerywhere I go that evil "music" is EVERYWHERE. Humans need to separate themselves from the voodoos. If we are separate we’re are o.k. This is why they are flooding humans lands with voodoos and spreading them everywhere. And unlike humans groups, they ARE of a hive mind. As I’ve said before, everything IS a conspiracy, in one way or the other because everything IS somehow related to the globe lie, the humans as slave-traders lie, the space lie, the abortion-as-a-weapon-to-fight-male-oppression-lie, the synagogue of satan playing the jew of the bible-lie and their VICTIMHOOD statues just like the non-stop voodoo-as-victim/Voodoo-as-hero game they play non-stop. As long as there is a money system, as long as there’s masonry, the catholic church and zionists and voodoos and a mommy and daddy government we are enslaved and WORSE, our minds are given over to satan and the abilty to think is gone. I have tried with many people, many who are close but kling on to Trump, and there is seemingly no way through that programming and the thought-process they’ve created in humans. It is exactly like casting pearls before swine. I would like to survive but I don’t want to run into the hills, I’d like to stand and fight but I would be fighting the very people who I would like to save. Like Howard Beale said, It is Mass MADNESS. Sidenote: I saw a man casually walking into a grocery store with a beard and a pair of breasts. I also got word from an extended family member that another girl extended family member changed her pronouns to they them and started taking T with her wife and that I wouldn’t recognize her. Makes me wanna cry. I really do not feel the whatever makes them happy thing. I see it as a demonic possession or someone who has been manipulated their whole life into taking on a homosexual lifestyle and then going that much further into the madness s by taking drugs. The thought process, I don’t get it. Lesbians would be considered feminists, I would thing, but they’re trying to be men so much so that, they’ll end up acting like men and looking like men and in essence being the very thing they despise???? And I told a couple lesbians how unfair men playing sports as women is and they wouldn’t acknowledge that serena williams is a man.

The satanists WANT everything to be perverted. This would NOT make news if it was some joe blow bar owner that had the promotion. He maybe would’ve been fined if it was just a bar owner but it wouldn’t get all that press. The new world order DEPENDS on the people being perverse and without morals. When they run stories of a new street drug it’s ostensibly to warn people but really it’s to ADVERTISE the drug. When they reported about KARENs ratting-out their neighbors and just being all around snitches and complainers and tattle-tales, it became a huge thing and it was after that activity got mountains of press I noticed people being Karens. I have talked to people since this madness created by the covid hoax and all related demonic propaganda and you hear them regurgitate everything exactly how they’ve been programmed. Ideas and phrases and that would never come out of their mouths if they hadn’t been programmed. Like how they’re trying to normalize pedophilia and other nastiness. They deliberately showed Biden as a pedophile, groping woman and children at a swearing-in ceremony while he was playing the role of vice-president, they did this KNOWING that they’d be putting him in office in the role of President soon. This and Weinstein and Epstein, it seems to be they’re cracking-down on this activity but really they’re promoting it. Just as they introduce misbehavior and such through comedy. Like Life of Brian’s skit about, "why do you want to be a woman, Stan?" "We shall fight for his right to have babies!" and look at the madness in the world.

He is a very brave man! He truly seems to love his country and is willing to die to try save it.

Tried to persuade them not to get the shot. Very. Sad situation. One may not be able to eggs or reverse the lethal injection. Sorry I was not able to persuade them to abstain not partisipate in this human trial.

My brother and Vaxed sister are both having heart problems.. Very sad indeed.. Thanks for a good video..

First I heard from him! I quite enjoyed listening to him . Wanted to hear the whole king story. Thanks for sharing..

Thanks for you hard work, and thank our Heavenly Father for giving you the Tenasity to fight to the bitter end !! There are soles out their worth fighting for. Mich love and Apreciation to Everyone on 153.

Thank you, JB!

It is a symptom of the use of anti-depressants and who-knows-what other kinds of medication. A good friend of mine was doing this after he started taking Lexapro, and I have heard about it from others as well. This guy is on drugs.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a crisis acting session? One, two,, three?


Israeli Crisis Actors Can’t Help Laughing While Duping the ‘Goyim’ rn


btw, there seems to be a sister called, Cigale. A cigale is a delicious, rare and pricey, sea creature from the Mediterranean.

For more videos check out Jim Fetzer’s All Things Reconsidered membership.

That all looks a bit speeded up to me. I’m wondering if I could make my tongue flick that quickly - and I don’t think that I could. My wee dog, on the other hand, flicks her tongue like mad when she feels under stress. That man, in that situation, would/should be feeling joy - not stress.

If any leader makes the mistake of properly representing or making decisions based on the "best interest" of the people, he immediately becomes "evil". If a process can’t be metered and milked like a cow to keep the people in slavery it isn’t promoted, or even considered. There is a charge of $30 per person to enter Yosemite National Park, but we can waste (theft) billions on Ukraine and Israel. It goes without me saying, that the wrong people are setting policy. This needs to change, permanently.