
Their bill for background checks on private gun sales back in June failed to pass and Maine doesn’t have a red flag law.....................HMM !!!!!!!!!!!

The Jews didn’t get their bill for background checks in Maine on private sales back in June 2023 now we have this staged hoax. Also Maine doesn’t have a red flag law.


Thank you for posting this. Israel is making a laughing stock of itself. This whole Hamas attack thing is so staged. At the start it might have seemed possible but the more the Israelis pushed it: men in flip-flops riding a bulldozer evading hi-tech security on a grand scale / 1000+ terrorists / 1400 killed /beheaded babies/ raped women / people kidnapped on fucking motorbikes (as if). The whole thing is ludicrous. It had to be made BIG so they could get away with doing whatever they wanted afterwards - just like 9/11, but it is seriously backfiring now. Some of the claims are laughable. They need to do something fast to try and convince the world that they’re not spinning a right fucking yarn but they’re just digging themselves in deeper. It’d be quite entertaining - were it not for the 10s of 1000s dead/injured and displaced in Gaza.

On the 1st video posted by A Dangerous Goy they keep flashing to the left side of the screen where you can clearly see the price of gas at the gas station as being 3.39, why is it important for them to keep bringing that into focus? Plus the reporter is dressed up in purple. On CBS this morning Richard Esposito when asked if this was a mental health issue or a gun issue he said it’s a false flag, or like a false flag, .......ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Excellent. Good job m8.

When was he ever on our side. The father of vaccine is not on the side of humanity. No way.

Why is he relevant anyway?

or this onern

He appears to be wearing a wig made of synthetic hair. I think this is the one he boughtrn

Look at this dude. 19=8th prime and 1/3=.33??. A serpent can make a figure #8 form. Revelation 12:9.

I’ve been here since 2012,, these are my stomping grounds since I was 19 years old.

Yeah. And I know who they are but you probably got my sarcasm. Controlling almost all the information, what a tool that is. And it could be used for truth and good but of course it’s used for the opposite. And that’s why we’re screwed. People, humanity does not have the sense to see it as what it is and the few who do get shut down pretty quickly. I guess no one knows that more then you.

100% HOAX .

NICE wig dude!!! LMAO!!

Every 2nd Amendment gun channel and prepper channel on YouTube will come out and believe the government narrative and question nothing as usual.

I’ve been posting about this one too - I posted your clip to my feed. Can’t wait to see the rollout for this one, it’s been awhile since we had a big production.

What I found interesting is that it’s so big that with all the late night programs it’s business as usual, nothing is preempted to cover this fake mass tragedy. They can present all the fake information they want to, it’s all fake fake fake.

Update : 10:37pm and the death toll is either 16 or 22 depending on which liar you tune into . Still 50 to 60 injured and death numbers expected to rise they say . HOOOAX !!!

From what I am seeing on all the mainstream outlets and social media platforms this one will be one of the biggest hoaxes we have ever seen . Right up there with Sandy Hook . I just posted "Another staged HOAX !!!" on close to a hundred channels on TikTok alone and listening to the trolls pushing this garbage as real was sickening . This one they are going all out . Stay tuned ...