
Check out the December 22, 2012 Economist Magazine, Hamas and Israel on hang gliders and bombs going off. This world is a horrible place to be. We are living amongst pure evil.

Rib it.

Israel the ultimate victim and of course let’s never forget to play that holocaust card .

Especially when the NRA invited the "hero" of Sutherland Springs to be their guest speaker at their national convention . They know the truth , no doubt about it .

You got it . How convenient he mentioned the most obvious of the hoaxes .

Sold completely out and now with his "truth" podcast he is trying to be the next Alex Jones .

Wow hadn’t heard that . What a lying loser .

It was painfully obvious this woman was in grave danger. She is so brave to be out in a war zone, giving us the “real” story. Does it get more fake than this?

Yep, masters of deception.

How can veterans be proud to be veterans when they were tools of the jews all along. Today, it’s not even hidden.

Where is a list of all the atrocities this pos is tied to like 7/7?

Nailed it. My book of life, The Holy Bible shows all the land Israel is on is called Palestine. As for the Palestinians, they are viewed as gentiles just like anyone else and the good book preaches jews over gentiles. Jews will eventually eliminate all gentiles.

Anyone who believes any of those "Atrocities" ever took place .Is either physically blind , wilfully ignorant or just plain stupid.

I used to think Ted was just stupid. Now I realize he is just another controlled sell out. Can’t stand hearing the "gun free zone" BS !!

certainly the way BiBi Netan(yahu) & the israeli intel was "distracted" to all these terro(rists) to get into the country without acting at all until hours later was more than fishy ... to begin with ... not saying these te(rror) isla(mic) groups dont exist but ... my goodness... give me/us a break ...

ha hah. yeah. Lucy B & her tacos. So ... Greta an actress, another puppet to their agendas, indeed. And yep, 1871 or sort of letter from 33rd degree Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini?? for a 3rd world conflict, jews vs islam?? the banksters vs ALL of us?? and yes, the climate scam (although they ARE affecting the weather ARTIFICIALLY lately, but not permanently ... unless when they deforest big areas i.e.?). And yes, JUSTIN Castro ... :)

I’m dealing with siblings like that. The forces of indoctrination create a religion in peoples’ minds.

Couldn’t hear the whole thing as I was occupied but all these countries are of the same cult. If the Czar wasn’t in it we KNOW the Bolsheviks are with the same folks that run the federal reserve and control all the presidents, etc...So the so-called Black Dragons is the version in Japan and they killed the prime minister of Japan when he refused to attack Manchuria. So, while they’re controlling Japan we KNOW that Stalin is with them, we know the Roosevelt is in that Cult and Churchill was a sell-out piece of shit from the day it was born. Hitler did their bidding by getting Germany destroyed, that was the pre-designed outcome. Destroy Europe and anywhere else you can while not harming voodoos. They were out of the war completely in the pacific except in the supply lines. That’s a sweet deal. Hanging out where there’s food and blankets and not where there’s bullets and bombs flying around. And then they supposedly didn’t fight in Europe until the Battle of the Bulge and that’s when germany was in retreat. So, that’s interesting. But all you hear about is the Tuskogee airmen. They must’ve been with George Bush Senior strafing people in life rafts that were pleading for help. So, all the governments are in it together against humans. Europeans and Asians are being fucked over now and Hawaiians I guess aren’t immune either.

PS don’t forget, Ted said he caught covid. TEP09d8Lqg?si=w66pS4DSQcEKEWJn

Like Trump I wrote him off a long time ago when he continued to insist that all these fake shooting events were real. Ted likes to present himself as a moral godly person, but he is just another one of these new agers pawning himself on an ignorant public. I was a member of Gun Owners of America for a number of years, and they repeat the same mantra as the NRA neither are on the side of the 2nd Amendment when they spew the mainstream media lies. If they would report the truth about these events their funding would dry up immediately, so they are in the same camp as the enemy.